She left a letter

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Octavia's mom POV 

I came home from work early that day to surprise my dear daughter with her favorite food. I walked into the kitchen and found a letter, I thought it would be something sweet like "I'm coming home later today, love you mom!" but it was something else.

Hello mom, dad or whoever finds this letter. Thanks for being there for me throughout my life but I have decided to run away. I'm not coming back anytime soon, this is me starting a new chapter of my life. Don't worry about me too much, Jasper is taking care of me more than you have ever taken care of me. 


Tears dripped down my face, my whole body was shaking. I called my husband and told him. He didn't seem to care what so ever. He told me to calm down and that Octavia was coming back soon. I didn't believe him, Octavia has always been stubborn so even if she wanted to come back she wouldn't. 

I called her number a bunch of times, hoping she would answer. I think I knew she wouldn't. If she did answer it would help ease my worry. My husband didn't even bother coming home from work that day.

Octavia's POV

I and Jasper are now in the capital city, there are so many things to see here. It feels weird being away from my parents. I have realized that life is way harder here than in our town. I came to the big city thinking it would be like the movies.

My expectations were nothing like reality. The reality for some people here is working two jobs to even just pay the bills and live in a small house. I have always had it easy in life, like all of the other people in my old town. Everyone is born in wealth. 

The big city has some good things to offer as well, like seeing the famous park that every movie features. It's so beautiful like I envisioned it to be. 

Right now I'm getting ready for my date with Jasper, we are going to a fancy restaurant here. The curling iron burned my hand when I accidentally touched it. We have a lot of money with us so we will survive for a long time.

We can spend how much money we want and I know my parents will pay for it. They care about me.

At the restaurant 

A guy around my parents' age looks at me, it's like he recognizes me. 

"Hey. Do I know you?" I ask him.

"Is your name Octavia, Octavia Hills?" The stranger responds. 

"Yes... Who are you?" 

"Don't you recognize me?" He laughs


"I'm your brother Octavia." 

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