I Hate My School

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Why did he have to leave? I shouldn't have slapped Celine, I just want Leo to come back. Would he? Probably not. This is all too much for me, he broke up with me over a phone call. My face is covered in tears and chocolate ice cream. 

I haven't gone out in 3 days. I have missed so much school that my teachers are calling my parents. I just don't want to see Leo with another girl, especially not Celine. I don't wanna be myself right now. 

A lot of people at school are calling me a whore, a loser and even a slut. He promised me that he loved me... But that was just another lie. I'm too hurt to even eat food, he was the only one that really knows me. 

The only one that knows all of my insecurities, all of my family problems, he knows everything. He's the only one who I loved more than I love myself. The only thing that's messier than me is my room. 

His hoodies are in the trash, I should've burnt them to be honest. Today I was gonna go to school... I couldn't skip more. I'm gonna wear a gray hoodie and some black leggings, just to not stand out more than I already do.


Everyone is watching me, and the worst thing is that I know why they are. Leo and Celine start making out when they see me. I just want to run out and go home, my heart keeps getting stabbed. 

Some girls laugh when I pass by, they probably think the whole situation is funny. Even the nerds don't want to be seen next to me. 



They start laughing I hope they end up in the same situation as me or worse. Jasper walks up to me, he asks why I haven't been at school and stuff. He's pretty nice I guess. Annie walks up to us and whispers something to him, I bet it was about me.

"Go away, Annie." He rolls his eyes. 

"What? You're telling me to go away?! I'm Annie Castle you should be happy to talk to me." Annie snaps back. 

"I don't care who you are." He responds. 

"I didn't want to talk to a loser anyway!" She walks away.

Caleb gives me a piece of paper and walks away. On the paper, there's a phone number. I think it's his. It was a while ago I got someone's number but I guess that's apart of being single. 

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