Chapter 22 •Mel's POV•

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Chapter 22 I'd Much Rather Talk About The Newest Little At Sinful Delight  •Mel's POV•

As soon as Duke pushes me through the door of my apartment, and closed it behind me. I lean my back against it, and begin balling my eyes out. Big, gasping, sorrow-filled cries. That had tears the size of raindrops sliding down my face, and snot bubbles coming from my nose. I didn't care if anyone sees me losing my shit right now, I'm to fucking heartbroken to care!

I don't know how long my body managed to stay upright against the door, but eventually I'm on my ass. With my legs stretched out in front of me continuing to sob. Until, I'd say almost a good hour and a half later when the ungodly wails started to calm. After another twenty minutes I'm finally in control over enough of my body that I get up, and walk across the apartment to my bedroom in a complete zombie like state.

I don't even know what time it is in the afternoon, to me it's the perfect time to just call it a night. Let the clothes fly through the air before climbing in bed, and going the fuck to sleep! Which is exactly what I do!

I'm almost asleep, my conscious half awake and half asleep, when a shrill noise starts blaring from the table right beside my bed. I reach out blindly for my phone that's making the noise, and answer it without even looking to see who it is. It's like he can see as I bring place the speaker against my ear, because Duke begins speaking right then.

"Hi My Love. How are you?" Duke's voice sounds so deep and hypnotizing.

I scrub the leftover salty tears from around my eyes with one hand, and use the other to cover the receiver so I can clear my throat. I don't want Duke to know I've been crying since he left me. Finally I roll over onto my back to look up at the ceiling, and try to smile.

"I'm fine, I promise Master." I whisper the last word seductively, so Duke wouldn't catch on.

Duke rewards me with a groan of pure lust. "I love it when you purr that word to me. It makes me want to do bad, bad things to you, but not right now. Instead, I called to give you some good news."

That peaks my interest somewhat. Enough for my eyebrow to lift in curiosity. "Oh?" I breath out then wait.

"I know where Dean is." Duke tells me, and I can hear the smile on his face.

My body jumps up into a sitting position so fast my eyes roll around in their socket for a minute. "Really? Where?" I rush out.

"I spoke to Drake before calling you, and he told me Dean is at his house in Palm Springs. When I get off the phone with you I'm going to pack some of my clothes and toiletries in a bag, and head down there. But, before I leave the city I'm going to stop off and buy a prepaid cell phone until I can get mine replaced when I get back. I'll call you after I have everything set up to give you the number, so we will still be able to talk and text one another while I'm gone."

"Ok. When will you be back?" I ask gripping the phone a little tighter in my hand afraid of the answer for some reason.

"I should be back some time Friday. How about Dean and I come pick you up from work Friday afternoon when you get off, and you can come stay the weekend at our place. How does that sound?" Duke ask full of confidence. Like it's a given that he's going to bring Dean home with him no matter what.

His conviction makes me grin. "That sounds like a plan. But Duke." If only for a moment.

I leave the rest of my words unspoken while I think about what exactly I want to tell him, and what the words I should use are.

Finally, after several more minutes Duke breaks the growing awkwardness between us. "Yes My Love?"

Before I start to say anything I blow out a small breath, and close my eyes. "When you see Dean will you tell him something for me? I want you to tell him I miss him already, and I'll be here waiting for him when he decides to come back. Be that now with you, or whenever. Tell him I understand, and to take as long as he needs."

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