Chapter 21 •Dean's POV•

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**Quick Authors Note..Listen to the song at the top, and it will give you a bit of insight into what just happened to our lovable Dean! Thxs!**

Chapter 21 Hiding Away Like The Coward I Am
•Dean's POV•

I must admit, usual there isn't any advantages you can take to get out of New York, or the greater Metropolitan Area quickly. No matter what, the Expressways and Toll Roads are always jammed packed with vehicles rushing to get to their destinations at any given time of the day. All day, every day, that is except for right now.

I floored the gas as I came out of the Tunnel on the New Jersey side a few minutes after midnight. Since it's also New Years no one is fighting to leave the city just yet, so I make it to Maryland in record time. Then through Baltimore and next Arlington without slowing down for a second.

All the way to Richmond Virginia like the hounds of Hell are right on my bumper. Until I make my first stop of the night a little before four o'clock in the morning. At an all night truck stop just outside of town to fill-up with gas, and chug an energy drink. Before jumping back in my truck, and heading south on Interstate 95.

Once I'm back on the road I make the grave realization that I should have gotten more than one energy drink while I was there. I desperately need something to help me focus, and stay awake while the miles disappear behind me. Instead of this silent, crushing nothingness that's been with me until now.

As soon as I got back inside my truck after leaving the loft I turned my phone off, and tossed it inside my glove box. Locking it away, because I'm so not ready to deal with all the drama. Instead I spent the first hour of my trip constantly switching between my cd's, mp3's, and every radio station I came across, but nothing caught my interest. Until I finally decided to leave the radio off, and just zone out while I drive.

The main cause of concern being this lead ball in my stomach that's been matastizing into a boulder from all the worrying thoughts racing inside my head. Screaming at me that this isn't what I want, and to turn around right now. Go back to the woman who owns your heart, and the two people in this entire world who's made just for me. Duke can man up to his problems with me then without all this heartbreak.

I let the chaotic ramblings run lose through my mind. Just the thought of going through even more pain than I'm already feeling now has my body stressing even more. Sweat beads from every pore on my body, and I can't stop chewing on my fingernail. Biting them to the quick, and tearing the skin around the nail until it bleeds. Which is something I haven't done since I was a kid.

I tear into one finger so hard I make it start stinging, so I sucked on the tip of my finger for a second instantly tasting blood. I pull my finger from between my lips to hold it out in front of my face, and look at the damage in the morning sun. The carnage looking back at me is the perfect representation to how I feel.

I shake my hand, and my head trying to shake all of the shit weighing me down. I turn my focus back to the road just as I cross into Georgia. I make one more stop right before I get into Savannah for gas. My last stop before I make it to my destination.

I still have six more hours of driving to do, and I can't keep torturing myself in this depressing silence, so before I even get back on the highway I switch things up. I close my eyes, and force all the things running rampid inside my head into a tiny box. I lock the box up tight with an imaginary heavy-duty padlock, and shove to a deep, dark corner in the back of my brain.

With my brain blissfully empty for the first time in hours I turn on a screaming death metal band from one of my mp3's, and blast the volume as high as it will go. I let the angry tempo and words travel through my body. Tapping into my own rage from this massive shit storm that is my life at the moment, and fly back onto the road.

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