Chapter 20 •Duke's POV•

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Chapter 20 Trying To Keep Everything Together
•Duke's POV•

Never, in my entire life, have I heard such a heart stopping, gut wrenching cry of pain come from another human being like the sound coming form Mel as she breaks down in my arms and starts to cry. Big fat tears continuously rolling down her cheeks, snot dripping from her nose, and hiccups coming between each sob. All three things men are terrified of when a woman starts crying, but here I am enduring it all.

I have no idea what to say, or do in this situation to make her feel better. I let my instincts take over, and pull her body as close to mine as possible. Tightening her trembling body inside my secure loving embrace. Holding her face against my chest as the tears soak through my shirt.

I push everything to the back of my mind for the moment, and try to focus all of my attention on the Goddess falling apart in front of me. Minute after minute it becomes more difficult for me to block out the murderous rage building inside of me toward Dean for causing this. I have my suspicions on why he left, but until I know for sure; I don't want to tell Mel.
After awhile Mel's cries start to slow, and I sigh in relief thinking it's almost over. Only in the next second her tears start back again even harder than before. Ripping my bleeding heart from my chest for a second time. Without disturbing her I gently pick her body up into my arms, and move back toward the couch sitting us down. I lay her legs across my lap, and continue to run my hand up and down her back. Giving her all the comfort I can right now.

Long minutes later the devastating wails start to calm for good. I wait a few minutes once the last hiccup came from her lips just to be sure it's finally over. Then I look at my watch and smile softly. I look down, and cradle her delicate face in the palm of my hands. I place a soft, sweet, loving kiss to her moist lips for just a moment. Before letting go, but still keep our lips almost touching. As I look into her glassy blue orbs.

"Happy New Year's My Love."

Mel graces me with a genuinely happy radiant smile hearing those five simple words. I watch as her eyelids start to flutter before she can even answer me, and then finally close. I lay her head back against my chest on the only relatively clean part of my shirt. Then relax back against the couch and get comfortable while she falls into a deeper sleep in my arms. Unfortunately, I'm so relaxed my mind begins to dwell on the shit storm clouding my thoughts.

The main thing I can't seem to wrap my head around is, what in the actual fuck would possess Dean to just give all the time and energy he and I put into making Mel accept the three of us being together up, and just walk out on this relationship? I know he saw the collar and shackles locked around Mel's body when she walked in to the party tonight. He knew as well as I did what that meant!

Our Goddess was proudly saying yes to us, and telling the world who she belongs to now. It is our names branded into the bands. No one else's.
Short of the asshole getting kidnapped, god forbid a real emergency, or abducted by aliens Dean doesn't have a good enough excuse for this mess. Unless he heard Mel say she didn't love him, and he left then. But, I don't think that's it either, because if he heard that it would only make him work even harder to change her mind.

So, what the fuck else could it be? Bigfoot? Santa Claus? The Cadbury Bunny mistook him for a chocolate egg and ate him whole?

I snort at that last one making Mel jump in my arms. I move my hand quickly to the top of her head, and begin running my fingers through her hair. Helping her to settle back into a deep peaceful sleep. After a few more minutes I'm satisfied she isn't waking back up, and look at my watch again.
It's a few minutes after one o'clock in the morning on the first day of the New Year. I can safely say this is definitely NOT how I imagined this night would go. Dean and I balls deep inside our sinfully curvy, wanton body. Sending Mel spiraling over that cliff into pure ecstasy. Maybe, but never like this!

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