The match started and the two seemed to be waiting for the other to start. But it was the water guy who did the first move. He lifted the stream up from beside him. A part split off of the main section of stream and froze into a spear he held in his hand.

Marek squared his shoulders and got ready for the attack. He was patient and held his ground. I saw that the ground was shifting a bit in preparation. He was going to lift it up to reflect the water. I had seen him do that before.

The water guy directed the water at Marek using the spear to refine his directing. It was something I had learned in my book that Professor Gilliett had handed me. In the book it said that I could use something as simple as my own finger. But it looked like he needed something else.

Marek lifted a slab of earth up and blocked the stream as dust drifted around him. I could no longer see Marek. But that also meant that his opponent couldn’t see his as well. I wondered if it was a strategy of Marek’s. We’ll find out.

The water guy was looking around. He was using the water to shift the dust away. One thing I noticed was that the stream was starting to darken. The dirt was infecting the stream and making it muddy. That could be an advantage for Marek.

Suddenly I saw Marek and smiled. He was hidden by a tree. He did something with his hands and more dust was drifting up from the ground and into the stream. He was taking advantage of the ‘muddy’ stream. He just needed to increase the amount of mud inside the stream.

The stream was looking weighted down now. The water guy didn’t seem to be noticing. He was still searching for Marek. The dust seemed to be hindering his search. Clouding his vision.

Marek stood up fully and walked out from behind the tree. The water guy snapped around to him and sent the stream toward Marek. Marek raised his hands and the stream shuttered before it wiped around and encircled the water guy. The water guy was totally shocked as he struggled to free himself. Unfortunately for the water guy. The water leaked out of the muddy stream and dirt was left. He couldn’t get free.

The whole stadium cheered for Marek. He bowed to everyone and blew a kiss my way. I know he’s doing all this for me. To empress me with his skill.

The final to matches of this round flew by nearly as fast as the first two. And earth girl won the next match after Marek. And the last match was won by a water wielder.

The next match Marek was in was the second one of the next round of matches. He was up against the another earth wielder. Ricky told us that the earth wielder was a senior who was determined to become champion at least once this year. He had been trying for the past two years and wasn’t going down easy.

I shook my head at the earth wielder as he rushed toward Marek the second their match started. That to me was a bad move. Marek seemed to have anticipated that. He crouched down and prepared for the act. He was good at taking the defensive while the other earth guy was more on the offensive.

The earth guy pulled the ground up and made a make shift stone shield and stone sword. Marek pulled some earth up and it looked like we had a classic gladiator match right now. Marek’s sword seems to be more katana than the broad sword that his opponent had created.

Their swords met and I was surprised at how tough Marek’s sword was. He was definitely smart when he decided to make a katana. He was moving faster. The earth wielder was struggling after a while to move his sword.

The battled longer than I thought they would. The earth guy was so determined to not let Marek get the better of him. But unfortunately for that guy, Marek was better. Marek got the guy down on the ground. The guy just gave up and tapped out. He was too exhausted to continue.

Starr Academy: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now