Deal with it

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Nightmare POV

I teleport back to my mansion. This so called home. I walk pass the living room where Killer, Horror, and Dust was watching some weird TV show that I will never understand. Passing by the damn living room is always refreshing. I can feed on those stupid three's dumb arguments on what to watch. Walking up the thousand stairs up only to try to get up to my bedroom. But I'm Nightmare, I'm going over my plan.

I was so scared for some reason back at Dreamtale. In the end I couldn't tell him everything. When did I become like this? Scared of just telling the truth?

I just wasted all of my magic for what then? FOR NOTHING!!!

Stopping at the top of the stairs and catching a quick deep breath. Damn it. Can't even get to my room without gasping for air. As I enter the room I immediately flop on my bed. I'm tired as hell.
Come to think of it . . . did Dream just say let's make negativity?

Wow. . .just. . .wow

From all the people, he said that. . .

Just fucking hilarious...

I should clear up my mind a bit. I do have a plan I have to fulfill. Well I'm almost done with the plan, just a few last steps I need to do ... before I'm actually all gone. I get up from my bed and head to the library. I do love how quiet and how big and comfortable the library can be. I pick up a book from the bookshelf with all my research and sit down on a chair. When I saw the cover of the book it had a few scratches. I keep reading and reading to have the best results. Information from hundred of years ago. That might be helpful for me. And when I opened it and start going through the book. Thinking how I loved my books. Sure does bring back old HORRIBLE MISERABLE MEMORIES. All the way from my childhood when people used to throw books at me. While I was reading my book I suddenly felt weird. I started getting dizzy . . . I place the book on a side table and try to get up.

. . .

I was coughing at first . . .

Then I started coughing goop . . .

In the end vomiting black liquid . . . . .

I fall to the ground . . . panting . . . gasping for air . . .

A loud thud noise from me as I hit the ground.

The other three was running towards me. But sadly, my surroundings near me was all out of my  vision.

Everything went black . . .

Killer POV

Eeeesh. . . Never thought Nightmare was capable of being sick. Never saw him collapse before. Not even after a brutal fight. Me, Dust, and Horror got him out of the library and went to his room and placed him on his bed. While we were discussing if we should call Error he starts mumbling something to himself in his sleep. When we all turned back and saw him his goop was fading, almost as if it was melting off from him.

Watching for a few minutes he stopped mumbling and he wasn't a black goopy skeleton. He was a little white skeleton! Almost the same size like a Underswap Sans size. A tad tinier then that if I'm being honest. He was still in his normal clothes (sweater, shorts, jacket not the old dream like clothes) Even the clothes he wore was dark grey and black.
Such an emo bitch.

But we did not in fact know who this tiny man was. We freaked out and ended up calling Error.

Error POV

Ring ring

Who the hell is calling me!!!

Killer. . . .

I don't even want to bother picking it up. I just open a portal and go to the castle. I was in the hallway looking both ways looking for those idiots 'cause I swear, if they are thinking to prank me again!

Looks like they heard me. . . Horror pocks his head out of a room. Oh great their in Nightmares room.

I'm doomed. . . Sweating code right now.

I enter the room and only to see a tiny white skeleton laying on a bed. No way.

The three idiots explain to me what happened in very poor detail. And as I assumed this is Nightmares true passive form. Feels weird seeing him being all pathetic.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA" all I could do was laugh.

"oMg. . .doNt TeLL thAt's nIgtHmAre. .. "I ask Dust.

"I have no idea" he replied

This so funny.

Just like that?

Welp I can't do anything. . .

I tell them that we need to wait for Nightmare to wake up. So we left the room and waited in the living room. The tension was real fr.

Nightmare POV

I wake up with a horrible headache.

I slowly get up. I get off the bed while trying to leave the room I spot myself in the mirror.

Fucking god damn it.

I'm in my old form.

Now my sweater and everything is too big for me because I fucking shrunk in size. Good thing I have spare clothes. I wear a shirt that kind of looks like my old one. It's purple and it haves a white line in the middle but the collar was not folded but a straight tall one. Also it was just like a shirt. Very loose not that tight like my childhood one. But the sleeves was so long you couldn't see my hands so I folded it up .I wore some short black sweatpants with elastic on the end. It will be more comfortable than some tight ass fancy pants. I wore the shoes I wear everyday A.K.A sneakers. But of course I wore my dark grey jacket. Even though it pretty big for me I get more cold easily. Need to stay warm.

Right before I leave the room I felt something was missing. It was my crown. So I also had dig for my crown to find it 'cause I just threw it on the floor when I came back from Dreamtale. I found it and wore it on my head. One more look in the mirror.

This is it Nightmare.

Deal with it.

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