Undeniable connection...

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Next morning...

"Camilla, today I am taking off, would like to go with Me, to the clinic for my checkup," I said.
"Of course, I want to see my niece/nephew," Cami said.


"Ms. Rose...just lay here." Nurse said.
Doc entered. "Thank you...I will take it from here." Doc said to the nurse.
The doctor rubbed some cream on the belly and moved the machine.
"Do-..oh..they are twins," Doc said.
"What?" I said as I peaked to see.

"Oh my god..yes they are," I said to myself as a tear ran down my cheek in happiness.
Cami hugged me comfortably, wiping my tears.

"Congratulations...Babies are looking healthy, Ms. Rose." Doc said.
"Thank you."
"Can we get photos or video of this ultrasound," Cami asked.

"Of course, but we are really busy these days. It will take 3-6 business days." Doc replied.

"Thank you, Doc. I will stop by Friday?." I said.

"Sure, anything you would like to ask me, Ms. Rose?" Doc asked.
"No, thank you," I replied.
"Alright, have a nice day," Doc said as we left.

Cami and I went cafeteria near my apartment.

"Are you sure, Beatrice you don't want to tell Nathaniel about your children?"

"No..I don't know...if I will tell him..then..I don't even know how he will react that-

"That you hide your pregnancy...for freaking almost 5 months and now you also know that you are pregnant with twins!" Camilla said cutting me off as she already knew what I was going say.
She wasn't wrong though.
I did think about it.

"You know what..even though you can't tell him...at least let me be with you. Let's go back to our home where we both lived most of our life...where it all started. Alberta is not your home...you started from scratch here...but in Vancouver, you have your own house..you have me and your mom. She wants you to be happy. Give her a chance to see her grandchildren born and grow. It's not good for you to stay here alone. We love you, Beatrice.
Nathaniel...was the one who causes you pain, Not us!" Camilla said emotionally.

She wasn't wrong though. She has always been there with me, whenever I needed her...

"I love you too Cami, and you are right... I will come with you." I said hugging her.

I started wrapping my life from Alberta and packed my things which I have to take with me.

On Friday I went to the clinic to pick up the ultrasound photos of my twin babies.

"Excuse me, I am here to pick up the ultrasound photos," I asked a receptionist.

"Please go to the first room on your left." She replied pointing in the direction.

As I walked in, I swung open the door.
"Nathaniel?" I whispered to myself and stepped back.
He noticed me and stood up from the chair which he was sitting. I closed the door quickly.

"Sorry, Ms...there may have been some mistakes...I forgot to mention the second room on left, not first." The receptionist said correcting herself.
"That's okay I will stop by tomorrow...I have something urgent right now." I said as I hurried to my car.

I stopped for a sec as I heard some footsteps approaching me. I hid against the wall.

"Not now, Sam!... I am middle of something..."Nathaniel said talking on his phone.
"What!?!..ok I coming.!" He said walking through the exit.

After he left I took a deep breath went inside again. Even though I said, " I'll come tomorrow." Partially because I saw him today here, he can be here tomorrow as well. And partially I wasn't ready to tell him..at least not like this.

My Better Half.. by Swati.C (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now