Chapter 14

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It wasn't Haley's dream wedding, but survival came before fantasy.

The courthouse was squat and smelled of industrial cleaner. The fluorescent lights flickered, sending weird reflections off the linoleum floor.

Haley had managed to find a mostly white dress at a thrift store and Hector wore his dad's old suit that hung from him like a sail, but the next best-dressed people with them in line were wearing jeans and tuxedo T-shirts. They got a number from a kiosk by the door and joined Hector's mom Noel, Dana, and Davy in a waiting room that would have been more at home in a morgue. When their number was finally called, they filed into a large courtroom where a judge sat behind a tall rostrum and a clerk stood with a clipboard. Even though Dana and Davy had come as the maid of honor and best man, they were forced to sit with Hector's mom in the courtroom gallery since there were three other couples also getting married and there wasn't room.

As they exchanged vows in front of the judge, Haley fought back tears and tried to think of her son. Hector sweated and shifted his weight in his suit as he fumbled over the lines when he tried to repeat his vows.

After the judge declared them husband and wife, they shared a kiss that paled in comparison to the ones in the church basement.

Everyone hugged and offered congratulations, and Haley pretended to be happy and smile back graciously.

When all the paperwork was finalized, all five piled into Noel's red Volkswagen sedan and headed to the "reception."

Dana and Noel tried to keep up a conversation, but Haley couldn't bring herself to participate. Instead, she stared out the window at the passing strip malls and let her thoughts spiral into a self-destructive tail spin. It wasn't until she felt some of the bones in Hector's hand shift, and his accompanying grunt, that she realized how hard she was squeezing his hand.

"Sorry," she said.

He pretended to pry her fingers loose with his other hand.

"Save some of that aggression for later," he whispered in her ear.

Haley struggled to smile back at him.

Noel pulled into the parking lot and they all climbed out.

Davy held the door open for the meager procession, and Haley nearly lost her composure when the hostess asked how many seats they needed.

They sat quietly, Noel trying to put a brave face on for her son and new daughter, but Davy squirmed in his chair and Dana started an intense investigation of a menu she'd seen a hundred times.

The waiter took their drink orders and brought a bowl of chips and salsa, then came back for food.

"So ..." Noel said, looking at Haley. "How are you feeling?"

She glanced down at Haley's stomach.

"Fine," Haley said.

"Any nausea?"

Haley saw Davy wiggle in his seat again, not that she blamed him.

"Not yet," she said.

"Hopefully it won't be bad," Noel said. She patted Hector on the shoulder. "This one had me up every morning before dawn for months. It's unfair that he got away with it without any justice."

"If I'm up, he will be too," Haley said.

"Wait, why would I—"

"I love you, baby," Noel said. "But this is one of those times you salute the flag and move on."

Hector held his hands up defensively.

Noel smirked, but it disappeared a moment later.

"I know this isn't the day you dreamed of," she said. "But I hope you still enjoy it. And I'm so happy Hector found such a wonderful woman. Though I do wish he'd had a bit more self-control ..."

From her smile, Haley knew it'd been a joke, but she still felt her stomach clench.

"Excuse me," she said, standing.

"You okay?" Hector gripped her hand and looked up at her worriedly.

"Just going to the bathroom."

"I need to go too," Dana said. She folded her napkin and stood as well.

The bathroom was small, only two stalls and sinks, but it was immaculate by chain-restaurant standards. Haley didn't make it to a stall before the tears started flowing.

Dana hugged her close, whispering and cooing in her ear.

Haley heard several other women come through the door and felt Dana nod to unspoken questions, but she couldn't stop the river of tears coming down her face.

"I'm a failure," she said into Dana's hair. "Even she's judging me."

"She's judging Hector," Dana said. "She already loves you."

Haley shook her head.

"I've ruined his life too."

"I don't think he was an unwilling participant," Dana said. "I saw the way he was looking at you. The way he still looks at you."

"And when I get fat?"

"Then there will be more of you to love," Dana stepped back enough to look Haley in the eye. "And if he doesn't, I'll be there to make sure he never has kids again."

Haley laughed and sniffed.

"Come on now," Dana said. "You're ruining that makeup I worked so hard on."

She grabbed several tissues from her purse and started dabbing the tears from Haley's cheeks.

"You're going to get through this," she said. "We'll all be right there with you."

She handed Haley another tissue so she could blow her nose. Throwing the soiled tissue away, she put her back against the cool tile wall and looked at the ceiling.

"I don't know what to do," she said. "We have no money, Hector is still trying to figure out what school to go to, and I can't even pretend to go to the Liberty anymore."

"You could always come live with me," Dana said. "Might be tight but we could make it work so you can still take classes."

Haley laughed.

"And what happens the first time the perfect preacher comes to visit and sees us?"

"We can cross that bridge when we get there."

Haley shook her head.

"He'd pull your scholarship money so fast you won't have a chance," she said. "But, thank you."

Haley took a deep breath and wiped her eyes one more time.

"Guess we should get back to the party," she said bitterly.

She started for the door, but Dana caught her arm.

"I know this sucks," she said when Haley looked back. "But despite what you think, this isn't the end of the world. You and Hector are some of the sharpest people I know. You can make this work."

Haley gave her friend a small smile and pushed the door open.

"Guess we'll find out."


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