Chapter 10

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Haley poked Dana awake rudely. The other girl tried to roll over, but Haley grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back toward the rail.


Dana groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"My head," she said.

"Be lucky you still have one," Haley said. "Come on, we have to get going."

Dana picked up her phone.

"We still have thirty minutes before we need to be up," she said flopping back. "I'll wake up then."

Haley stalked back to the bunk and grabbed Dana's phone and covers, ripping them off.

"We need to get going now, because someone decided to have too much to drink with her boyfriend and wrecked the car, so we have to walk," Haley's voice came out as a harsh whisper. "And you need to get your shit together so that George doesn't suspect that it was your ass in the driver's seat instead of mine."

Dana sat up; eyes wide.

"Don't say anything," Haley said. "This house echoes like hell. Get yourself together. Make sure your hair covers that cut. There's Advil on the counter."

Haley watched her foster sister get out of bed gingerly and start down the ladder. Her movements were slow and jerky, like she was feeling the effects of a car crash or something.

Dana managed to get a T-shirt and jeans on without assistance, but she winced as she tried to do her hair. She tried to raise her arms up twice, but Haley could see tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

"Let me," she said.

She took the brush and pins from Dana's hands and gently ran them through her dark hair.

"I'm sorry," Dana said.

"I know."

Haley pinned her hair in place and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm glad you're okay," Haley said.

She gave Dana's shoulder a squeeze, and the other girl winced again.


"Maybe not that okay," Dana said, smiling weakly.

The two walked out of their room and grabbed their duffels. They swept through the kitchen, hoping the Kells were already out.

Instead, Mrs. Kell sat at the counter with a cup of coffee and a Bible. She twisted on the stool and looked up as the girls walked in. Then she took her glasses off and gave them a tight smile.

"Good morning," she said.

"Morning," Haley replied.

"Morning Mrs. K," Dana said, surprising Haley with how chipper she sounded. "I'll meet you outside."

Haley nodded and Dana made a quick exit out the front door.

Haley and Mrs. Kell stood in the kitchen looking at one another for several seconds. Haley didn't know what to say, and silence seemed like the better option at the moment.

Mrs. Kell stood, and wrapped Haley in a bear hug. Haley slowly returned the hug, though it grated on her last nerves.

"I know you're mad," Mrs. Kell said. "And I don't blame you. You were trying to help, but there are still consequences. You've got a good heart."

"Can that good heart get my jail sentence commuted?"

Mrs. Kell sighed and stepped back enough to look Haley in the eyes.

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