Chapter 11

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"You're being too harsh," Dana said.

"Whose side are you on?" Haley asked.

"Yours, which is why I'm pointing out that he's really not a bad guy."

"Because he swept you away in his Ford chariot in your moment of need?"

"Would you complain about a chariot ride now?"

She waved her hands over her sweat-soaked shirt.

Haley pressed her lips into a line and looked at her foster sister.

"I know," Dana said quietly. "Bad joke."

"It'll just help you slim down to get in that dress," Haley said.

It was Dana's turn to give Haley a long look.

"Bad joke," Haley said.

"We're both on a roll today," Dana said. "You ready for the English final?"

Haley nodded. She'd had the answers for the last week, about a day after Mr. Garrigan had finished formatting the test.

"That study group has really worked wonders," Dana said. "Do they do anything for calc?"

"I'm sure I could hook you up if you needed," Haley said. "But you're already killing it."

"Thanks to you, again."

"I'm just giving you the tools," Haley said. Though it did help that she'd also gotten a hold of the Mrs. Jervis' calculus tests and had helped guide Dana through nearly identical practice problems.

The girls bantered back and forth for the remaining walk home. Dropping their bags in the foyer, they walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few Cokes from the fridge.

They took their drinks to the living room and flipped on the TV.

Less than one Judge Judyepisode later, the garage door opened, and the sounds of rambunctious twelve-year-olds came echoing through the house. Then the twin tornadoes flew through the door, leaving a trail of sneakers, bags, and snack wrappers in their wake. They rushed through the living room, yelling a quick greeting to Haley and Dana, before they pushed through the back door.

Mrs. Kell came in a moment later, sweat dripping through from her forehead, her purse in one hand and a stack of mail in the other.

"Girls," she said.

"Hello, Mrs. Kell," they said in unison.

"Haley, help me with the groceries. Dana, please watch the twins."

The girls got up to attend their respective assignments, though Haley shot Dana a jealous look as she headed to the oven of a garage.

As she passed through the kitchen to the garage, Haley noticed a few of the envelopes had the blue shield and Red Cross of Liberty Christian University.

"Any mail for me?" she asked as joined Mrs. Kell at the trunk.

"I haven't been through it yet," Mrs. Kell said, handing Haley several plastic bags. "Could you put these in the fridge?"

Haley waddled through the door, barely avoiding smashing the groceries into the doorframe, and started putting everything away.

"Let's see what we've got," Mrs. Kell said putting the final groceries away. She picked up the mail again and started flipping through.

"Bills, bills, wedding invite, bills ..."

She stopped and glanced up at Haley.

"Something from Liberty Christian University," she said. Then held out the envelope. "For you."

Haley took it carefully, like it was filled with poison.

The envelope had a large blue stripe diagonally across the front, and the shield and cross logo in the upper left corner where the return address should be.

"Dana," Mrs. Kell yelled. "Mail for you."

Haley's head snapped up. "Liberty?"

Mrs. Kell held up an envelope identical to Haley's.

Dana came rushing into the kitchen, sliding across the hardwood in her socks as she tried to stop. She snatched the paper from Mrs. Kell's hand and then looked up at Haley.


"Count us down," Haley said.

"Three, two, one!"

The girls ripped their envelopes open like contestants on a game show, and for several seconds, the only noise was the twins shrieking in the backyard.

Haley's heart threatened to break her ribs as she read down the page.

Then she saw the words she'd been searching for.

"I got in," she whispered.

Dana looked up more slowly, and Haley's heart dropped at the look on her face.

"I.... I did too!" Dana yelled, her face transforming into a brilliant smile.

Haley threw her arms around her sister and they both screamed in excitement. Even Mrs. Kell joined in their group hug as they laughed and cried.

"Congratulations to you both," she said. "I'm so proud of you."

Haley let out a happy sigh.

"Thank you," she said. "Oh my goodness."

"Right?" Dana said. "Now we get to start worrying about scholarships."

"Well something tells me that the church can help with that," Mrs. Kell said. "I happen to know someone with a bit of pull."

The girls laughed again, and hugged Mrs. Kell.

"Save some of that for Mr. Kell," she said to forestall the outpouring of gratitude. "He'll be just as excited for you and I know he can't wait to help."


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