She is the Reason.

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When Laura realized how tired and sleepy her wife was, Laura urged her wife to go to bed. But Taylor clung onto her wife, her arms tightening around Laura's neck. Taylor buried her face in the crook of Laura's neck, showering soft kisses on Laura's sweet spot, and pouting whenever Laura asked Taylor to get her arse off of her lap. Shaking her head in amusement, Laura scooped her wife in her arms in bridal style, making Taylor giggle. Looking at how beautiful Laura was, Taylor gave another kiss, but this time, on Laura's cheek.

"I love it when you pamper me," said Taylor, her voice soft.

"Well, you didn't leave me any choice there, did you?" Laura chuckled, booping Taylor's nose in the process before she literally threw her wife in the bed, making Taylor pout.

"Okay, this is not the kind of pampering I was expecting," Laura laughed at Taylor's cute lips, all puckered in a stubborn pout.

"Oh, hush!" Laura waved a hand at her wife. "The bed is as soft as a giant cloud. You even bounced when you landed on it."

Taylor shut her mouth, realizing that Laura was right. And, also, that Laura threw her wife on the bed only for Taylor to actually experience the bounce because Laura knew how much Taylor liked to bounce on the beds. Taylor grabbed Laura's shirt, and pulled her closer, giving a kiss on her lips.

"When you're right, you're right!" Taylor said, smiling against Laura's plump lips. "Come to bed, Lau. Come to me."

Laura's pupils dilated; her heart skipped a beat at Taylor's words whispered so tantalizingly to Laura. Laura let out a wide grin before she gave a kiss on Taylor's lips.

"I will be next to you in a flash," nodded Laura, before she ran to the washroom.

Knowing that Laura had to do her nightly routine before she jumped into bed, Taylor's eyes again travelled to her Kindle. While her body was tired from swimming and also nearly experiencing a heart attack when she saw her wife almost turning into a shark food, her fingers were twitching to just grab the gadget and to read some more. Giving in to her temptation, just as Taylor's nimble fingers curled around the Kindle, Laura opened the door and stepped out of the washroom.

"Oh, no!" Laura started, finally sliding into the covers beside her gorgeous wife. "Put the Kindle away; you will really damage your nose one of these days!"

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