😶What's wrong with me😶

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Warning kinda 18+

Jungkook's POV

In mind
W-whats wrong with me lat ely?why did i kissed her like that?She'll be scared of me now.Argh!stupid jeon jungkook!

Nancy and the others came in

Jungkook:*eyes widened*

Nancy:*Looks at jungkook*

Jungkook:*Looks away*

Nancy:Hey jungko-

Jungkook:*Quickly went upstairs*

Taehyung:Whats wrong with him?

Mom:Sweety did something happened?

Nancy:I don't even know why,i'll talk to him*went upstairs*

Jungkook:Jungkook!why are you like this!Be normal!*inhale and exhale*

*Door opens*

Nancy:Hey kookie?are you okay?Your acting weird today.

Jungkook:*avoids eye contact*Oh! its nothing!i'm fine!

Nancy:*Went close to him*Then why are you avoiding me?You can't even look at me in the eye.

Jungkook:I-its just that i'm getting out of control so i need to stay away a little*moves away from her*


Jungkook:Just don't come closer to me and wear some thick clothes.Don't wear a shorts.

Nancy:I don't get you?*went to him and  grab his face to face me*Tell me what's wrong!

Jungkook:I-its just...*looks away and blushing*


Jungkook:I-i think i'm getting pervy around you.

Nancy:Hey jeon jungkook!I'm your girlfriend so its okay!

Jungkook:No its not!i might do something to you.Just stay away from me.

Nancy:So you don't want to be with me anymore?

Jungkook:I its not like that!

Nancy:Then look at me in the eye!

Jungkook:I love you *looks at her*i really love you thats why i don't want to hurt you!

Nancy:*grab his face and kissed him*

Jungkook:*shock**kissed back*

Slowly laid nancy in the bed.His kissed is getting aggressive and suck her neck living hickeys


Jungkook:*kissing her*

Nancy:Jungkook s-stop

Jungkook:*stops*I did it again!*Moves away*I-im sorry!*leaves*

Nancy:Wait! Jungkook!


Jungkook:*Saw nancy's mom and dad about to leave*auntie where are the others?and where are you going?

Dad:Oh they went to their dorm,taehyung takes them there

Mom:Tell nancy that were going somewhere and we'll be back tomorrow lunch.


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