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Nancy's POV

"Hey unnie!check this one!this looks great on you!"

Me and yeonwoo are currently checking some things..well...we're shopaholic alright!

"It's not my style nancy!it's your style!"

"Come on!you look cute here!"

"Yah! I said i won't!Go find yourself some clothes!"

I just pouted and put the clothes back.

"Change your style a little!you always wear a cool and boyish clothes!it's awful!"

"Ohh??How about yours?Can't understand your style nancy,you look like a lost kid at the airport"


I tried to hit her shoulder but she quickly got away.

"It's almost 5pm where should we eat?" Yeonwoo asked

"Hmm....don't pick"

"Good!I know a place!That place was the best!!" She sound excited and her eyes were shining.

"We want the Samundari Khazana Curry,Maple Bacon Salmon,and Rum glazed shrimp!Oh and the 2 ice tea!"

"Now i know what you mean!You're Craving for it!"

"I know I'm not the only one" she said and smirks.

"Gosh!You spend too much unnie!"
I chuckled

She raised an eyebrow at me
"Aren't you?Look at those 4 shopping bags of yours" she said "And we're eating in a famous seafood restaurant"

"Hey!!You're the one who choose where to eat at!And the thing i just bought were just new clothes and Skin Care products!" I said,defending myself

"Uhuh?You even bought a couple necklace and your earrings and you wear it already."

"We'll i have been dazzled.."

"I have been dazzled my ass.."

"Yah!It's your fault for going inside that shop!"

"Yeah yeah whatever,you still spend much more than me"

The food has arrived on our table,so we didn't talk more because we're actually hungry right now!


"Can't believe we finished all of it!"
I said while tapping my belly

"My god!!i can't move"

We both laugh,then my phone rang,it's kookie


"Where are you guys right now?"

"In a restaurant,we just finished eating!why?"

"Check the time"


I move the phone away to my face a little and whispered at yeonwoo

"Hey yeonwoo unnie what time is it?"

She checked her watch and she was shock

"What is it?"

"It's 6:45!"

"Oh my god!"i shut my eyes and sigh

Then i put the phone back to my ear

"H-hey.... umm...jungkook?"

"GO HOME.....NOW!"


I end the call quickly and took the stuffs i bought.

"Let's go unnie!"

"Yeah yeah!What a strict boyfie!" She rolled her eyes and took her stuffs.


"Okay okay!!"

We're now outside the mall...

"Did you call a cab?" I asked while were walking

"Yep,let's wait for it on the other side of the road"

We started crossing the pedestrian lane,when we successfully got to the side walk i noticed my necklace are gone.I turn around to the road and there a shiny thing and it was my necklace.

"Wait here unnie,I'll just get something"

"Huh?wait wha-"
Her phone rang,and she quickly answered it.I bet it's taehyung.

I checked the road first if it was clear,and it i grab the chance to get my necklace.I started walking again on the pedestrian lane,and i don't know why but I'm getting dizzy,i feel pain and i think I'm hearing a voice.

No!!don't worry about me!Go!!

Take care of her....

"What is that?"

The pain and dizziness vanished,then suddenly there's a light that made me shut my eyes......



I don't know how but i don't feel anything...i can't move any part of my body...,just lying on the ground and watching the necklace in my hands..

Then a picture of a girl flashed into my mind...


Then i lost conciousness.....

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