Special Chapter!💖

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(It's just a short chapter for ya.. nankookers💖)

6 years has passed

6 years has passed

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Nancy's POV

I was busy cooking in the kitchen cooking for dinner when..

"Mom!!" I turn around to look at my daughter.

She's 6 years old,we named her Ha-Eun. She's crying again so i squatted to wipe her tears.

"What is it baby?"

"Oppa just made a prank on me again!"

"Yah!Hahaha!It's just a prank,it's nothing serious mom" then our eldest child came out with our youngest

He is Ji Hoon. Ha-Eun and him are twins and he is the eldest.Our first children.

"Jeon Ji Hoon stop it"  i warned and he just pouted

"Mom!" My looking innocent kid Hyun-ki said and went to me with his cute smile.He's our youngest child and he's 4 years old and he's a very smart kid!

Ji Hoon has a bad boy looks,i can see that he's smart too and i think he's active on sports he's too positive and good at making friends and talking to other people but when it comes to his twin sister he always makes fun of her.He looks like jungkook but in a bad boy way,the only thing different is he got my nose.

Ha-Eun was so kind,shy,smart,talented and a cute  sweet girl but she looks bossy sometimes. She's too clingy to me and jungkook.She always got bully by her brother ji hoon.She has my eyes and nose,then lips.Then ears and face shape on jungkook.

Hyun-ki was a smart kid too,a fast learner. He looks like a boy version of me? And he's unbothered kid like now.He just went to me,smiling like nothing happened with his brother and sister. I think this kid will grow as a businessman,i just boticed that he's good at planning some things when playing.

But in korea you're already 1 year old as soon as you were born.So it means
Ji hoon and Ha eun is 7 years old and Hyun ki was 5 years old

Actually all of them has our bunny smile and front teeth.So it's funny that we look like a bunny family.

I even made them their US names
Ji Hoon or Liam
Ha Eun or Hazel
Hyun Ki or Zachyll

(Is the names okay?😅)

"Just take a sit and wait for me to finished this,Liam please stop making fun of your sister if you don't I won't allow you to play PS4"

Liam just pouted

"Hey kids!"

"Dad!!" Our kids said.

Jungkook went to us and kiss each of our children on the cheeks.Then he went to me and backhug me.

"Welcome home!" I giggled

He chuckled and looked at our kids.

"There's a snacks in the car by the way" he said,then the kids rushed outside.

I placed the foods i cooked on the table.Actually we have a housemaid but she's on leave now.There's other 2 housemaids too but they are only assigned on cleaning the house.

Jungkook stared at me

"Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow

He smiled then pulled me by my waist for a kiss.

I giggled after that

"Tss...you and your moves!" I said and hit his chest.

Actually he always does this.When he got home he always bought some snacks that the children loves,he leaves it inside the car then he will tell them that it was in the car so the children will leave us alone to take it.Then he would be more clingy to me now.

"Why?I should also gave you a kiss when i kiss our children on the cheeks"

"Always on the lips,cheeks would do you know.You always making them leave to get those snacks you always left inside the car!"

"It doesn't matter,we're all happy anyway" he said and bend his head down to kiss me again.

"Dad!!cookie just pee on you car's wheel!" Ji Hoon shouted.We have a new  dog and we named him cookie because he's a siberian husky.

I giggled and tap his arm.

"Call the kids now and clean that wheel or it will get smelly"

He nodded then went out of the kitchen.

I removed my apron and prepared the table for our dinner.

Jungkook was working for us in his own building.
I'm still working for my family's company .Well only when the kids have school.

I don't want my kids to feel lonely and uncomfortable to us....

There was a family that the parents and their children's integration didn't go well because it seems like their children feels uneasy to them because they didn't spend much time with them.

I don't want that for my family.
So when it's vacation or weekends i don't work and jungkook came home early.

We all had a happy dinner together.After that we decided to have a movie night.

Our living together as parents was smooth and happy.Our dream has came true...

Sorry guys....That's the end of "True Love Never Fades"🥺 So be ready of my new nankook story😊The title is "Soulmate"! It was a tagalog and english language because as you can see...I'm not good in english😅So to make things easier i decided to make it taglish😂

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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