👨‍💼Been waiting👨‍💼

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(This is only a made up story,if you got mad about something i write here,i apologized.This is only a story and i just used them as the characters,it won't happen in their real life)

"Sir...i just found out that she's going back there maybe on weekends"

"Okay...just keep tailing her,book a flight same schedule with her and when you found out where she'll stay here,let's meet" i said and end the call

I took off my sunglasses and watched the sunset.

I took off my sunglasses and watched the sunset

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"I've missed you....so much..."


"T-this.....THIS IS THE SECOND TIME JUNGKOOK!!" Nancy's dad yelled at me full of anger.

"And you!!"he pointed at yeonwoo

"Why didn't you watched her!?!"

"I-I'm sorry..." yeonwoo apologized for the 3rd time and is now crying

Mr.Mcdonie just sigh and massage his temples.And calm himself

"I'm sorry....I can't let you hang around with her anymore,we already lost someone before and I can't let that happened again.Especially my daughter."

"But sir..." he cut my words

"The engagement is off tell it to your parents,that i will return their shares in my company and that i won't get my shares to them,for now i just want to cut the connections with all of you for my daughter.You should understand that,nancy is not in a good condition and we don't even know what will happen to her!and if something happens to her....remember this!I WON'T FORGIVE YOU"

We just followed what he said...we didn't visit nancy at the hospital.

Then after few days i just heard that they took nancy with them out of the country.They said she damage her brain and she lose a lot of blood in the accident and the treatment here is not enough for her so they need to take here somewhere far to find one of the professional doctors there to save her.

I hired a men to watch them,and i retired as an idol. I asked my parents to start training me for the company.
And after 1 year i became successful but I keep my status a secret.Taehyung and Jin also works with me.

End of flashback*

And after 5 years...this is the time I've been waithing for...

"It's been 5 years....and i missed you as hell.." i smiled at her picture on my phone.

"What would you do?She hates you now" i heard taehyungs voice.

"What would you do?She hates you now" i heard taehyungs voice

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