😍Back to Korea😍

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15 years has passed

Nancy's POV

I woke up from my beautiful sleep because of my alarm clock its irritating me.I took a shower and go downstairs.I saw my mom cooking pancakes

Nancy:Mom that smell delicious!!

Mom:Its done, sit there and eat your breakfast

Nancy:thanks mom!!

Mom:Me and your dad talks about sending you back to korea to study in an art school there,is it ok for you?

Nancy:of course!i want to meet my friends yeonwoo and jooe!

Mom:Ok glad your happy,were going to visit you there sometimes ok?Your school has a dorm so i think you'll be fine .

I met yeonwoo and jooe in my parents company here in america because they have a party to celebrate.Their parents came to the party with them and was introduced to me.

Nancy:ok thanks mom!So when is my flight?

Mom:Its tomorrow

Nancy:i didn't expect that to be so early!
I should pack my stuffs!!why didn't you tell me sooner mom?!

Mom:Cause me and your dad just talk about it Yesterday

Nancy:Help me pack my stuff mom

Nancy and her mom started packing when they finished their breakfast and go shopping.They got home pretty late.
Nancy takes a shower and put her pajamas then sleep

At the airport

Nancy: I will miss you mom!

Mom:Me too,Be careful there ok?

Nancy:Yes Mom bye!

Nancy has arrived in korea.at the airport she saw her bestfriends yeonwoo and jooe

Y & J:Nancy!!!

Nancy:Guysss!I miss you both!!♡♡*going to hug them but they avoid me*

Yeonwoo:Yah don't be too clingy!
Jooe:Nancy Grow up!

Nancy:How cold! I just miss you two!!*crying

Y & J:ok ok! Now stop crying we'll give you a hug!


Yeonwoo and jooe helps nancy of her stuffs and they went to her school dorm.

Jooe:oh nancy were your roomates by the way and theres one more person!

Nancy:really?!who is it?

Yeonwoo:Its Jane unnie

They went inside their dorm and saw jane

Jane:oh hi! Your nancy our new roomate right? I'm jane

Nancy:Yes,nice to meet you jane!

Jooe:Nancy this is your uniform!we have the same class!

Nancy:thanks Jooe your the best!

Jooe:yeah you should be thankful!

Yeonwoo: You guys should sleep we have school tomorrow!

All:Yes mam!!!

(They all went to sleep)

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