She's Leaving Home

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October 19, 1980

Freddie had been feeling unwell since the end of September so he decided to take a break in touring until the end of November- well, his doctor also recommended that he take some time off. He was put on a light bed rest, basically saying that he wasn't supposed to do heavy or quick movements, and that the doctor wanted him sitting more than walking and dancing around, so he was spending a lot of time with Faria at the piano in the sitting room.

"Try it again, baby." Freddie rubbed Faria's back and she took a deep breath while she stared at the piano in front of her. "You can do it. Papa wants to hear you." He looked over his shoulder at me and she copied, then I nodded from my spot at the couch.

"I want to hear it again, baby, and I'm sure your brother would like to hear it." I couldn't wait until I could hold him and look at him whenever I talked to her about her brother- she wanted to hold him, too, she was starting to get impatient.

"This one is for bubba." She nodded, then she gave Freddie's stomach a quick rub before putting both hands on the keys and shakily playing Mary Had a Little Lamb. Freddie was teaching her how to play, but it was a little excruciating. "Can you do it again, baba?" She asked, looking up at him.

He nodded with a smile, then he played it again and she smiled- she loved listening to him play, even if it was something as simple as Mary Had a Little Lamb. Her favourite parts of the concerts was when Freddie would sit at the piano, just him sitting there was enough to get her excited.

"I want to play like you, baba." She told him and he smiled, proudly.

"Do you?" He looked down at her, and she nodded with a smile. "Why don't you just play around with it? Baba and papa have something to work on, but we'll stay here while you play." He kissed her head, then he joined me on the sofa.

"What do we have to work on?" I asked while I slung my arm over his shoulder.

"We need to work one finishing that cuddle from this morning." He adjusted himself until he was practically underneath me- he was probably warmer there, he said he had been really cold as of late and almost nothing made him feel better.

I just assumed that it was a cold, because Freddie's body was exhausted from the constant travel and we were getting to the middle of Autumn- those two things never mixed well, according to him.

"Have you thought of a name for our son yet?" I asked and Freddie smiled up at me.

"Our son, babe." He whispered and I nodded with a smile. "I want an Irish name. Faria has a Parsi name and I want him to have something related to your heritage- I don't want to hog all of the kids with all of my traditional names." He explained with a quiet chuckle. "I've always liked the names Finn, Rowan, and Augustus." He smiled and I cooed, softly.

"Baby Gus." I chuckled. "I like that, but I like Finn and Rowan too." I sighed- naming the baby was actually a lot harder than I thought it'd be.

I mean, we were giving a little person the name that they would wear for their entire life. I didn't want to pick something that would sound cute as a baby but not an adult, but I also didn't want to pick something that would sound nice as an adult but not as a baby. It was just a lot of pressure and I didn't need that kind of stress in my life- I almost wished the baby could just name himself.

"I want to give him a name!" Faria smiled while she ran to the sofa, getting herself comfortable between Freddie and myself. "Can I name him, please?" She asked, looking up at us.

"Which one do you like? Finn, Rowan, or Augustus?" I asked, laughing when she wiggled her hips so I would move over.

"Finny." She answered quickly, "I like Finny more." She nodded and I smiled before kissing the top of her head.

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