We Are Not Naming Our Daughter Rhapsody

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Short chapter because I'm exhausted and I had no inspiration for this one

October 6, 1976

"Did you know that Rhapsody is a girl name?" I looked over to Brian while I flipped through the book of baby names. "Should we name you Rhapsody?" I giggled, softly, rubbing over my stomach and humming when she kicked softly against my hands.

"We're not naming her Rhapsody, Freddie. That isn't a real name." Brian laughed, then he kissed my head and I sighed, continuing to flip through the book.

We were ten weeks away from meeting our daughter, and we were still stuck on a name for her- it was hard naming a little human because she was going to be stuck with that name forever and I didn't want to ruin her life. It was a big deal, and I wanted it to be special.

"What about a Parsi name? I mean, you and Kashmira have Parsi names, why not give her one?" He asked, reaching over to rub my stomach. "Didn't your mum call and suggest something the other day? She's excited to meet her, isn't she?"

"She said she likes the name Faria, and we can call her Aria for short or something like that." I shrugged and his smile grew more and more while he thought about it. "Faria May?" I looked up at him and he nodded with a hum before kissing me on the lips. "You hear that, lovie? You have a name!" I giggled, excitedly, then Brian held the sides of my face and he kissed me a little harder.

He pressed his tongue against my lips and I moaned a bit, tossing the book onto the ground and crawling in between his legs. Faria got in the way, but Brian moved so I could kneel comfortably near him.

"Move in with me." He whispered, mid kiss.

"I can't, Brian." I giggled, kissing him a little more before he pushed me away a bit.

"Why? Why can't you?" He pulled back and he frowned at me. "How are we supposed to set up the nursery if the baby doesn't have a home? Where is Faria going to stay?"

"She-she can stay with both of us. We already have two nurseries set up." I shrugged, rubbing my stomach while biting my lip.

"Why won't you move in with me, Freddie?" He sounded desperate, but I couldn't really tell him why.

"You don't like my cats." I lied and he laughed a bit.

I couldn't move in with him because I was afraid. I was afraid that he didn't really love me, that he was only with me because of the baby, and that he would leave me as soon as she was born. I was afraid that it was just an act because he felt bad for me because he accidentally knocked me up- but he always told me that he actually wanted to be with me and that he was excited to live with Faria and I. He told me that he loved me almost every hour on the hour, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that he was pretending so I would feel cared for.

"I can learn to like the cats." He reached over and he held me closely. "Is it more than the cats, or are you just worried about the cats?"

"Just the cats." I lied, then he kissed down my neck and I moaned, softly, with a small giggle. "Don't get me riled up right now, I'm kind of mad at you for surprising me with the move in thing." I frowned, moving away a bit and making him groan.

"We'll figure it out, Freddie. Faria is going to love wherever she lives, and whoever she lives with- but if I find out that she got scratched by one of your cats, she's coming here." He chuckled, then he kissed my cheek and I hummed. "And if she's allergic, you're giving them away."

He wasn't trying to be controlling, I completely agreed. If something were to happen between Faria and the cats, I'd choose her first.

October 13, 1976

"Scarf please." I murmured, helping Freddie zip up his jacket. He passed me the scarf and I wrapped it tightly around his neck, so it would keep him warm during our walk.

It was just past three in the morning, but Freddie was complaining that he couldn't sleep and Jane said sometimes walking would help make him tired. I felt like we were both exhausted and ready for Faria to come because the early morning walks were getting kind of annoying.

"Hat." I held my hand out and he gave me his hat, giggling when I put it on his head. "I'm so tired." I whined and he cooed, softly, before kissing my forehead.

"I know. I did tell you that you don't have to come with me, I can do it on my own." He argued, softly, and I helped him sit on the step, so I could put his socks and shoes on.

"And what if you fell and hurt the baby? Or yourself?" I looked up at him and he shrugged, gently tugging on a curl. "I just want to make sure you're safe, and I want to spend some quality time with Fars." I kissed his stomach and he giggled a bit. 

"We have to walk slowly, okay? She's really pressing on the small of my back." Freddie groaned while I helped him up, then he held the small of his back with a little groan. "She's being rude, Brian." He whined and I hummed, kissing Freddie's temple.

"I know, but it's almost over. Nine more weeks, it'll be over quickly." I murmured, pulling his scarf so he was close enough to kiss. "Alright, up now so we can go for a walk." I sighed, biting back a yawn while I helped him stand up.

Freddie held my hand tightly while we walked out of the flat, then I locked the door behind us and I giggled a bit while he waddled down the hallway- he was so adorable, I couldn't handle him.

"Oh, it's so chilly out here." He murmured, hugging himself once we were outside. "I think I just need to go a couple times around the block." He looked up at me and I nodded, wrapping my arm around his waist and holding him close to me. "I don't think I can do this for two more months, Bri. She's getting a bit big." He sighed, rubbing his stomach, and I cooed, softly.

"She's only going to grow for the next couple weeks, so you have to get used to it." I told him, quietly, and he groaned.


We walked in comfortable silence for what felt like forever before Freddie finally announced that he was starting to get tired. Apparently Faria was starting to calm down so he wanted to get some sleep while she was asleep.

Part of me wanted to know what it felt like to have a little human stretching and wiggling inside of you. He said that she'd always stretch her legs in the morning, kicking the top of his stomach and getting her little feet stuck in his ribs, and that she'd push against the bottom of his stomach around dinner time like she was stretching after a nap.

I couldn't wait to meet her. I wanted to see her stretch like that while we held her. Nine weeks was too long to wait, and I felt like Freddie would agree.

"Brian." Freddie whispered into the darkness, I turned over to face him and he smiled. "I still think we should name her Rhapsody."

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