Only Time Will Tell

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I don't have an updating schedule for this one, it's just posted whenever a chapter is finished. And also, I know that most women aren't this chill after their husbands cheat on them (trust me, my family is going through this right now and nothing is chill), but I just picture Chrissie being very... understanding and relaxed, if that makes sense? Like she'd want Brian to be happy, even if that means cheating on her. 

May 1, 1976

The tour ended and we all returned to London. Freddie had been suspiciously quiet since we had one last night together in Australia on the twenty-third of April- it had been a week since we had been together and I felt lonely without him. I went back home to Chrissie, and she tried to get me to have sex with her my first night home, but I couldn't stop thinking about Freddie so I politely declined. We were together when she came to visit in Australia for a couple days, but now something just felt wrong about being in bed with her.

When I woke up that morning, I went down to the kitchen and I sat in my music room with a cup of tea, contemplating whether it would be a good idea to call Freddie or not. I thought about it for half an hour, give or take, then I dialled his number and I waited for his answer. My hands were shaking, and I didn't want to pester him too much. 

"Hello?" He answered, groggily, and I smiled- I couldn't help but think about all those mornings he woke up with almost no voice. It was sexy, I couldn't get enough.

"Hi, love." I smiled and I listened as sheets rustled while he sat up. "How are you? I miss you so, so much." I told him and he hummed into the phone.

"I miss you, too." He whispered, then he cleared his throat. "And I... I have news for you." He sounded nervous, but I had something to tell him, too.

"I have news for you, too!" I exclaimed, quietly, and he made a little noise. He whispered that I should go first, because he thought his news was bigger than mine. "Chrissie found out that we're having a baby!" I could've squealed, but I didn't want to wake my wife up.

"Oh." He squeaked and I nodded with a huge smile plastered to my face.

"What was your news, darling?" I asked, remembering that he had news before I did.

"I-I got a new cat." He chuckled shakily and I frowned.

"That's hardly news, Freddie. You get a cat, like, every other week." I laughed and he hummed, weakly. "Are you alright? You're quiet."

"I should be going, Brian. I have a lot to do this morning." He sighed, then I heard the phone click as he hung up.

"I love you." I spoke into the dial tone, then I heard the floorboards squeak behind me. "Morning, love." I smiled after turning to face her.

"Who were you talking to, Brian?" She spoke sternly and my stomach dropped- I was in trouble.

I sighed, softly, while I stroked over the phone, tempted to call Brian back and tell him the real news... There was no cat, but something new was going to be joining my little family of one very soon.

When we arrived back in London, I noticed that I had been puking and just feeling really nasty since Japan, so I booked an appointment with my general practitioner then they took some blood work and did an ultrasound, which is how I found out about my little baby. I was happy about it, I really wanted it, but I also wanted it to have a dad- well, another dad. I didn't know what to do, but now my baby was going to have a half sibling, and I thought that was kind of cute.

"It looks like it's just us, little one." I whispered, rubbing over the small swell- it was there, but it wasn't too noticeable just yet. 

I didn't know how to tell him, especially because they had just found out that Chrissie was expecting their first child- I didn't want to steal her thunder, especially because they had been waiting so long for a child of their own. I hoped that him calling me wouldn't have messed things up too much, I didn't want them fighting with a baby on the way. 

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