I'll Protect You

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A little time jump because I get bored easily. I have a feeling this is going to be a short book, because I want to start Made in Heaven soon!

I'm in such a fluffy Jim and Freddie mood today

June 28, 1980

"Do you have to go, baba?" Faria asked, quietly. Her bottom lip wobbled and she wiped her eyes with her puffy little jumper sleeve.

I sighed and I looked down at her- how could I leave that little person behind? She was my entire world and I was getting packed up so I could leave her for months. My daughter was almost three and a half years old, and I thought she was the brightest little thing I had ever met, she caught on to everything I did- there was no fooling her. She reminded me of Brian with how smart she was, but she was also creative, like me.

Speaking of Brian... he had met a nice little lady named Anita. Faria liked her, and the woman seemed like good step-mother material, just like Jim was shaping up to be good step-father material. Faria started calling Jim papa, because he had been around since she was small and she already had a daddy- Jim was obsessed with her and he almost cried when she called him papa for the first time. He was always looking for opportunities to take care of her and help with her, so I was thankful for him, he was a great step-dad.

We were still... awkward. I didn't have a better way to put it, but it was hard to be around him because something inside of me still had feelings for him. I didn't want to have feelings, because I was very in love with Jim, but something told me to keep trying to win Brian back. Being in a band together didn't help, because I was with him more than I was with Jim and that made Jim kind of upset sometimes- he didn't like that I worked with my ex, but he understood that I had to keep my career going so I could continue to care for Faria.

Brian and I were leaving on the North American leg of The Game tour and neither of us wanted to leave Faria behind, but she was getting too restless to sit backstage during a concert alone- she used to be able to nap back there, but now she was curious and always looking for something to do.

"Baba has to go for work." I murmured, picking her up and putting her on my hip. I felt bad for her because we were going to be gone from June to September, so her entire summer would be spent with her grandparents.

"What 'bout daddy?" She stuck her bottom lip out even further and I chuckled, softly, before kissing the top of her head.

"Daddy has to come for work, too." I spoke softly against her head, then I sat on the edge of the bed with her in my lap. "What if we call him and ask if you can come with papa?" I asked, quietly, and she nodded, looking up at me with tears in her eyes. "First you have to call papa and ask what he's going to be doing this summer." I was hoping to employ Jim so he could cut our hair during the tour, instead of us having to find someone new in every city.

We got up, then we went down and we sat at the kitchen table- I pulled the phone over to us, so she could hold it. I dialled Jim's number and she held the phone to her ear, smiling when the phone started ringing. I could hear when he answered and her face lit up- she was so in love with him, I was too.

"Hi, papa." She smiled, then she bit her lip while she listened to him- he always had stories for her over the phone, especially when he went away to visit his family in Ireland. He promised that we'd go, but we never had time. "I has something to tell you." She raised an eyebrow at me and I chuckled, softly.

"Can I talk, babe? I think he'll understand baba." Sometimes he had a hard time understanding her, because her grammar was terrible- but she was only three and a half, so I forgave her. She passed me the phone and I smiled. "Hi, love."

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