The Oven is Full

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I'm going to change the birth from the oneshot, just because I was trying to keep it short and sweet it wasn't too long, but now I have an entire chapter to work with!

June 16, 1976

"So you told her?" I asked and Brian hummed into the phone, saying that he did, in fact, tell Chrissie about us. "And how'd she take it?" I curled up a little more, petting Jerry after he made his way onto my lap, resting his head on the little curve of my belly.

"She was... upset, but she said she understands that my feelings have changed and that I was more interested in this relationship with you than our marriage." He sighed, softly. "But it went better than I thought it would. She hopes that it all goes well for you, for us." I couldn't help but smile.

"That's nice of her." I hummed, rubbing my stomach when Jerry tapped it with his paw. "I felt the baby move today." I told him, stretching out a bit on the sofa and yawning, quietly. "And I think Jerry felt it, too, because he's been bothering me all day." I chuckled, scratching behind his ears. "He's scared of the baby, I think. He isn't sure what to think of this thing taking up his space in my lap." I laughed and Brian hummed, fondly. "You get bored when I talk about them, don't you?" I asked, looking down at the cat and giggling when he rolled onto his back for a tummy scratch.

"No, I just don't know how to reply when you talk about them. I just like listening." He told me, quietly, and I yawned, again. "You're tired." He commented and I nodded, rubbing my eyes a bit. "Do you want to come over? I can make the bed up for you."

"No, I think I should stay in tonight." I murmured, rubbing my stomach. "I'm not feeling too well tonight, baby is giving me heartburn and I have a feeling that there's going to be some puke." I sighed and he hummed. "I'll talk to you tomorrow though, alright? And we have an appointment on the thirtieth, so I'll see you then." I smiled, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back against the armrest.

"Fine. I'll see you soon." Brian hummed, then we both hung up and I sighed while I rubbed my stomach, eyes still closed.

I felt like the baby was starting to get some hair, because my heartburn was so bad that it was uncomfortable to lay down- the burning feeling would sit in the back of my throat, but I never had to throw up so it was just a constant pain.

Jerry meowed at me, then he climbed up and he made himself comfortable on my stomach. I chuckled, softly, when he kneaded at the bump, circling several times before laying down and purring.

"Is that good for you?" I whispered, combing the orange hair with the tips of my fingers. "Tom, my love, come over here." I snapped my fingers and clicked my tongue until the cat came running in, jumping onto the sofa and joining his brother by sitting on my lap. "Good boy." I hummed, petting them both and letting my eyes fall closed.


I gently knocked on the door to Freddie's flat, then I put my key in and I chuckled a bit when I found him and the cats asleep on the sofa. Poor boy said he wasn't getting much sleep anymore with all the heartburn and nausea, but he looked content there- and the cats looked pretty happy, too.

"Pleased with your new sibling, huh?" I chuckled, quietly, rubbing Jerry's head when I walked by. I went into the kitchen and I wiped the counters free of cat hair and food before taking out the chicken and the rice.

I was sure to lightly season the chicken, not as much as Freddie usually liked, but I heard that lightly seasoned chicken and rice would help with heartburn, and I wanted him to be a little more comfortable that night than he was that morning. He wasn't used to eating such bland foods, but he'd get sick if he didn't.

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