Chapter 17: Chasing The Forgotten Girl

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Sorry for the long wait for Chapter 17, to be honest I wasn't sure how I wanted this chapter to go at all but thanks to my long term partner who's been helping me out since chapter one,  I'll tell you who it is at the credit scene of the chapter aka the end of the chapter. let's get this train rolling again!

Chapter 17: Chasing the forgotten girl

Sarada had woken up the next evening stretching her arms. She figured she had to do things differently if she wanted to affect Boruto and Mitsuki's memories she needed to do something differently instead of trying to do everything exactly the way it happened. Sarada sighed to herself as she opened her closet and grabbed another one of her casual outfits except this time the color was different. Instead of her shirt being red and her shorts being white, her shirt was yellow with a black circle and her shorts were black as for her sandals were yellow as well. "What happened to my clothes?! Did Mom accidentally mix wash them?" Sarada searched through her closet trying to find at least one red outfit but she failed miserablely. "I guess I'll have to wear this than.." Sarada didn't exactly dislike the color yellow, she just didn't want to look like a banana or a bumble bee. Sarada walked to the bathroom and took a shower. She stood there as the water hit her face and ran down her body. Her mind was else where, she was wondering how she should do things differently. "Maybe.. I should take them to the stone faces instead, that way we can avoid events of how things originally happened." Sarada grabbed her towel and soap and began washing up. After thirty minutes passed, Sarada emerged from the bathroom wearing the all yellow and black outfit from earlier. "Now all I have to do is get Boruto and Mitsuki to meet me there." Sarada smelled something cooking in th kitchen, this time it was waffles amd sausages. "That smells delicious!" Sarada quickly made her way to the kitchen where she found Sakura finishing cooking and her dad was reading the morning news paper. Sasuke put the paper down and smiled at her "You look adorable as ever this morning Sarada." said Sasuke. Sarada laughed nervously and bowed a bit "Thanks Dad." Sakura had finished placing the waffles and sausages on three plates with orange juice on the side.

Sarada took her seat and said grace before biting into it. She savored the flavor in the waffles, ralizing these weren't ordinary waffles but blueberry and Strawberry waffles mixed together. Sarada licked her lips han drank some of her orange juice. She noticed Sakura had two waffles, Sasuke had one and she had two. Sarada took her second waffle off her plate and placed it on his. "Here you go Dad." Sasuke smiled at her as he at his food thankfully. "Thank you Sarada but are you sure you weren't going to eat it?" Sasuke used his for and a knife to cut his waffles into pieces as he ate them with his sausages. Sarada grinned as she finished eating her food than downed the rest of her orange juice. "I'm sure Dad. Can I use the phone to call Boruto and Mitsuki?" Sakura was eating still, she covered her mouth as she talked "Of course honey, if your going out today, be sure to be in before 10pm." Sarada smiled brightly as she went to the dinning room and got on the phone, she wasted no time in dailing Boruto's number first. It rang a few times before someone answered the Uzumaki's phone.

"Hello, you've reached the Uzumaki's residence. May I ask who's speaking?" the voice was childish like but somewhat mature. It was obvious to Sarada who it was on the other end of the phone. It was Boruto's sister Himawari.

"Himawari, it's Sarada calling-" She was interrupted by Himawari

"Hi Sarada! are you calling for Boruto?"

Sarada laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head and replies "Yes I am. Is he there?"

"Yep" Himawari said cheerful "Do you want me to go get him for you?"

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