Chapter 11: Path Of Love

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The return is here! So sorry for the wait, I went over it a few times and re-did it, then I lost the chapter 2 days ago and had to start again from the beginning.

Mitsuki played close attention to their side of the street. On their side of the street were stores, some were candy stores, clothing stores, shoe stores, accessories store and video game stores, all on one side. Each building had its own unique color to it. He turned his head to the citizens, everyone was smiling and laughing about something. Only a few people found this day to be very sad and unforgettable. Kina noticed Mitsuki's awareness, she figured he's thinking about what they should do until it gets dark out. Kina faced forward, her hair bounced wherever she walked.

"Hmmm" She said walking a little faster "I wonder… What should we do?" her hands swung freely by her side, left to right, left to right. "Maybe go um train? Eat? Sleep? Freeze?" She stopped talking after saying freeze, knowing on a hot day like this, the only thing they'd do is burn.

Mitsuki beamed a smile at Kina. "Your ideas aren't half bad as you think. Sadly, we aren't going to do any of those." Mitsuki pointed straight ahead then turn his arm in an acute angel. "We're going to the mountains, I'm sure there's some in Konoha." a flyer hit Mitsuki directly in his face, he pulled it off his face and read it. 'Memorial of our lost ones tonight at seven thirty-two. There'll be fireworks, games, food and of course fun and sadness. please come.' It was signed by Naruto, it seemed everyone in the leaf village would be there. Mitsuki looked at Kina "Do you want to go?"

"Of course I want to go Mitsuki! it sounds like a lot of fun." Kina cocked her head some and thought on it. "There aren't any mountains but we do have the Hokages Stone Faces. Will that do?" She looked over to Mitsuki and smiled back a bit awkwardly.

Mitsuki nodded his head "The Stone Faces are perfect! Let's go!" he said excitedly, without waiting for her Mitsuki teleported to the top of the Stone Faces and waited for Kina to catch up to him. Suddenly the ground rumbled, trees shook violently! Mitsuki sworn it was an earth quake coming. "What?!" He said as he fell back on the ground as the rumbling continued. "What's going on?!" He held onto the ground in fear as it shook harder with each passing second. Mitsuki closed his eyes shut and listened to the rumbling sounds. It was noisy, very noisy then he heard it! A light foot step was speeding rapidly to his direction. Mitsuki re-opened his eyes to see the earth quake had stopped and Kina stood in front of him as he laid there on the ground.

Kina cocked her head again then shrugged it off. "Don't tell me you fell and hurt yourself? Aww poor baby" she said jokingly.

Mitsuki chuckled lowly then got up and faced her "I did, due to the earth quake that is."

Kina raised her eye brow in question "Earth quake?"

Mitsuki nodded "It was a loud rumbling sound but it passed. Probably some of the construction workers, building a new building with a jack hammer."

Kina's eyes darted away from Mitsuki then back to him. "I didn't hear anything."

"Really? It was so loud; I'm surprised you didn't hear it Kina."

Kina nodded "If I would have heard it or felt it then I'll probably run away from here as fast as I can. If you would've fallen you better pick yourself right back up because I wouldn't have helped you up. Nope, my life is precious!" she pretended to sob.

Mitsuki laughed and waved his hand in dismiss "Alright, alright. I won't fall then Kina, I'll just pull you down next to me." Kina's eyes enlarged for a split second she wasn't surprised that Mitsuki pull her down with him. She honestly was expecting it.

Kina huffed and walk closer to the edge of the Stone Hokage faces. "That wouldn't be very nice Mitsuki, maybe you should try a different approach than pulling me down with you." Kina twirled her hair between her fingers.

Kina smiled and shook her head "I'm just messing around Mitsuki, I can go from joking around to dead serious in only a matter of seconds but all the same I'm only joking around." Kina giggled to herself.

Mitsuki smiled warmly at her, he didn't mind the fact Kina was out right spoken a few seconds ago, to him, she was just right. She wasn't some kind of girl to just follow you around like a lost puppy, and you can't exactly expect her to follow along with everything you do or say. "Right, I have to admit you're a bit strange when it comes to realizing your emotions, sometimes." He looked down to his hands. "I wonder what emotions I'm dealing with whenever I'm around you Kina." Mitsuki blushed lightly and looked up at her. Kina wasn't standing next to him, she was on the edge of the Hokage Faces and she had just jumped down. He stood ther ein shock for a split second then ran over to the cliff "Kina!" He yelled "Kina!" he glanced down and saw Kina standing on the third Hokage's nose.

Kina picked up a rock and smiled, she wiped it off then looked back up to Mitsuki and grinned, she tossed a shiny rock up at him and he caught it. The rock was lime green with blue streak going through it and whenever the sun beamed through it, it created a mini rainbow. "It's a funny looking rock isn't it?" she said. "It's shiny and all."

Mitsuki recongonized this unknown rock clearly and quickly. It wasn't exactly a rock but it was a marble, a lime green marble with blue streaks going through it. He figured she didn't hear any of that stuff he said earlier. "It's not a rock Kina, it's a marble."

Kina pointed over to the sun, it still sat high in the sky "I know that, but still. Let me have my fun Mitsuki." She climbed back on top of the cliff next to Mitsuki and opened her hand to him, Mitsuki nodded and handed her marble back to her. She pocketed the marble like a treasure. "Let's go, I don't want us to spend all of our time up here."

Mitsuki nodded and led her away from the Stone Hokage Faces. As time went on, the day got darker and the memorial for the dead had just started, when the two arrived there it was nearly paced with citizens of Konoha. Kina held onto Mitsuki's shirt so she wouldn't get left behind. Mitsuki and Kina walked amongst the graves, it was finally dark outside and the fireworks were finally going off. Mitsuki cleared his throat "Kina, can you close you eyes for a second?" Naruto was by his Mom's and Dad's grave paying great respects to them, the sadness in his eyes was clear, his usual blue eyes were red and puffy. He must have missed his parents a lot.

Kina saw the blush spread across Mitsuki's face and did as he asked. She wasn't sure how to put it but she trusted him. "Sure, just don't do anything weird Mit-" she was cut off by Mitsuki's lips pressing into her own, she blushed madly after noticing what was happening. Mitsuki had kissed her out of the blue! She took her hands and held onto each of his shoulders with her eyes closed and Mitsuki held onto her hips while leaning down a little to deepen the kiss. Today is Sunday and tomorrow, they would have to go to school.

That concludes the two part love story! What will happen to Mitsuki and Kina now? Will she avoid him and say it was just an accident? or will there love blossom into something more?! Find out in the next exciting chapter

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