8† Priest Are You There?

Start from the beginning

William stared at the woman in the next room and shook his head in disbelief. "I'm not sure what is going on. But she's the strangest case that we've had with a vampire, yet." He looked over to Mary and squinted as if he was thinking, "Perhaps. Hm..."

Caterina glanced over to William and leaned forward, "What do you propose?"

"The reports were that this woman liked Mary for some odd reason. Correct? Maybe the Roses aren't a tag to their death, but an act of kindness for them suffering fates they maybe didn't deserve?" He sighed as the feed ended and caught up to real time. "She really hasn't moved even an inch! This is just a mystery I can't wait to figure out."

Mary leaned closer to the glass and frowned watching the woman, "Maybe that's all she needs? Maybe she tried saving all of us women who received a rose like that? Just, I'm the only lucky one to be saved? But, I think she gave it to me after I was taken by the Priests, I don't get it at all..."

The AX members in the room all held their hands to their ear pieces and groaned as the static screeched. It stopped after a minute leaving everyone confused for the time being. Caterina chimed in, "Kate? What in the world was that? Have some of your communication towers been hit by something?"

Kate came through the ear pieces, "What do you mean? Nothing is wrong on my end. I can do some recalibrations for something, but I don't exactly know what you're talking about."

Caterina eyed Tres and nodded to him, which he then removed himself from the room going to start an analysis of the noise. Mary twirled a strand of hair around her finger, just watching the vampire woman in case of any movement. Tres came back only to tell Caterina that nothing was found while he traced the source of the interference. Kate even reported back that they found nothing on their end either. The time spent was mostly spent in pure confusion.

After being puzzled for several minutes, the lab workers continued their work, but some who stood guard by the doorway for newcomers got up to resume their position at the door. Mary spotted once again the tall silver haired Priest. His face was more stern this time, almost as if the emotion was sucked out from his body. "What's the ditzy one doing down here?" Mary watched him pass the detectors with ease before walking directly to the room she stood in. His face was something Mary has never seen on him. He was overly serious, as if someone killed someone in front of him.

Caterina lifted her head puzzled as Abel entered the room, "Abel... Why on earth are you down here? Aren't you supposed to be out with Sister Esther?"

He adjusted his glasses, now confused himself, "M'Lady. You called for me to come down here not even ten minutes ago. You said it was urgent. And I must come down at once."

Mary's eyes widened, "The static in your ear pieces. Maybe something went haywire and he got a recording through his? Or they even got hacked?"

William reached out, tapping the desk violently, "Uhm. Hey guys..." Once everyone looked over at William, they followed his finger to the window, "Look!"

The vampire woman who sat cross legged and her head down, eyes shut now was looking straight up almost as if she was staring through the window. Her hair around her body seemed to eerily spread out like roots before settling down, there were obvious signs that she indeed was still alive. Her eyes glared slightly, but stayed deadfast on one object.

Abel eyed Caterina as she pinched her jaw slightly, "Something must've got into our system. Maybe someone coming to try and get to her... Or Mary."

Mary perked up, and turned around, "Then we have to stop them! This woman hasn't done anything to deserve being hunted down like she is then! She saved my life, and I must repay her for it." Mary stepped closer to Caterina, careful not to push Father Abel out of the way.

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