"I'd be scared as hell."

"Do you feel like you'll be able to tell her not to date him?"

"I should be able to, I'm her father. But I know as she gets older she'll see the choices I've made, even way back to 2009. So then again I'm like how can I tell her anything when I've done wrong most of my life when it came to women. I'm not in the position to tell her anything about love. Then I think about me having a son, what if he's just like me, breaking women's hearts like it ain't shit, or he ends up in a domestic violence situation. What do I do? 2009 was supposed to make me better but it's like my life been a roller coaster ride ever since you know."

"Life is what you make it Chris. It didn't have to be that way, you chose to make it that way. You totally threw the America's sweetheart out the window."

"Because no matter how much I tried to continue to be the good guy, people always point out the bad. Til this day, I can be quiet don't post on social media, just do my music and that's it, something bad still finds it way into my life. I guess the world needs a villain and I just happen to be better at being that."

"Once you learn that every situation doesn't need a reaction you won't continue to think that way. You won't be the bad guy or the good guy you'll just be Christopher, the man that has decided to no longer live by what society wants him to be but who he wants to be. For 16 years you've gave the world something to talk about. No longer allow that. It's time to start moving differently Chris. Now is the time to change up. Let your daughter experience the new you now so that the things you've done will no longer be in her mind. Let your son grow up with a great example when it comes to how you love yourself and his mother. And if it gets to a point where you and Mya just can't work out, I want you to realize that women meeting your children should only happen if you're serious with them. Stop exposing your daughter to different people. Like I told you, kids are like sponges, she soaks up one person then here comes the next woman and all it takes it's one good squeeze especially if that person is malicious, your child will spill everything you didn't want the next woman to know. Protect your children, people are cruel."

I made sure I really listened to that. I'll admit I let Royalty come around a lot of the women I've dealt with when I shouldn't have. At first I was a little skeptical about these counseling sessions but I'm glad I did it. He's really been telling me things that I should've known but it's better late than never to learn.

Mya Anderson

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Mya Anderson

I did all that crying and complaining about Chris announcing my pregnancy so that I'll be able to do more but my lazy ass still barely leave this house.

I just got home from my anger management class, we meditated and today I'm feeling pretty good. So I decided to get on live and kick it with my wonderful followers.

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