Chapter Twenty Six - Lupercalia

Start from the beginning

"Honestly Asher, I think that I could get there too. But you have to give me some time because I just broke up with Nick." I said sweetly as Asher nodded understandably. "I completely understand that and I'm willing to work to gain your trust and love." He answered and I honestly wanted to lean close and just kiss him but I was interrupted by a loud howl.

"What is that?" I asked Asher as he sat up rapidly and looked around, another howl being heard but this time it was closer. "Let's leave... It sounds too close for comfort." He said as I nodded and stood up, getting dressed. Asher did the same and grabbed the basket, grabbing my hand and leading me down the path back to the Academy.

We got to the Academy and headed inside, making our way towards the dorms. Asher and I stood in front of my dorm room door. I looked at him expectantly. "Well, I guess this is it. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as Asher smiled and stepped closer towards me.

"Thank you for giving me the chance, you won't regret anything." He said nicely as I nodded and pursed my lips. Asher leaned in to give me a kiss and part of me wanted to pull back but I didn't. I kissed Asher softly and pulled back gently. He was blushing intensely as I smiled warmly and entered my dorm. I winked at him and closed the door shut.

The kissing wasn't bad at all but it wasn't like my kisses with Nick. I guess now that I'm trying something with Asher I should probably stop comparing Asher and Nick. Quite frankly I don't think I will ever love anyone as much as I do Nick but I can try. I got ready for bed and did just that, sleep.


Next morning I woke up at about 11:00pm. The Academy gave no classes during Lupercalia, they take this festivity very seriously. I got out of bed and saw Vera's bed completely unmade, weird since Vera is a huge control freak.

I opened the bathroom door and instantly screamed at the sight before me. Vera was on the floor and towering over her was a huge werewolf. My screams drew the attention of the beast in front of me and it instantly looked up at me with its yellow beady eyes.   I wanted to run but I wasn't going to leave Vera laying there with a beast. I stepped back slowly as the creature approached me slowly. I could hear it's low growls. It was huge, towering over me, standing probably at 6ft easily. The beast got closer and my heart was pounding in my chest. I'm going to die. The werewolf leaned back and growled. I closed my eyes ready to be killed.

"Amalia! Stop!" I opened my eyes and saw Nick standing in the doorway taking deep breaths. I have never been happier to see him than right now.

"Leave her alone. PLEASE." Nick ordered stepping towards the beast. How did he know who this beast was. The werewolf looked at Nick and growled. Nick didn't even flinch and took a deep breath.

"Ergo draco maledicte ego invoco, tollere lux in carne haec nocte." Nick banished the beast rapidly, earning a howl and several growls from the animal in front of me that was clearly in agony. It finally disappeared and I looked at Nick who ran over to me and wrapped me in a hug. I cried into his shoulder as he held me tightly.

"How'd you know?" I cried into his shoulder as he pulled away and looked at my necklace. "The spell I put on your necklace, it pulls me to you when you're in trouble." He answered and I sighed in relief. If he hadn't gifted me that on christmas I would've probably died.

"Wait! Vera!" I exclaimed and ran to the bathroom, finding Vera laying on the floor with a gash on her stomach. I gasped and kneeled down next to her, checking for a pulse. Nick kneeled with me and lifted her shirt to reveal the bloody gash.

"God, this is all my fault. How could this happen?" Nick whispered as I looked at him and ignored what he said. He can explain later. "Vera, wake up girlie, please." I cried and shook her lightly. She has to wake up.

I felt compelled to put my hand over her wound and think about healing her. I closed my eyes and felt a burning sensation on my hand, when I opened my eyes Vera's wounds were gone. I gasped and looked at Nick who was staring at me with wide eyes.

"What?" Vera asked all groggy, barely being able to open her eyes. "Nick grab her and take her to her bed." I said as Nick complied and grabbed Vera, moving her to her bed and covering her with the cover.

"Vera, are you okay? How do you feel?" I asked her as she opened her eyes to look at me and then looked around the room with a confused expression on her face. "What happened?" She asked me as I gulped and thought of a made up excuse.

"You fainted in the bathroom? And I found you on the floor." I lied while stuttering a bit as she cringed up her nose in confusion.

"Oh okay, I had the weirdest dream ever." She said chuckling a bit as I smiled and looked at Nick who gave me a pitied expression. "Listen Vera... I'll go get you some food and come back to take care of you. Come with me Nick." I instructed as he did what I said and stood up following me into the hall.

"Can you explain to me what just happened?" I asked him as he looked down at the floor and then looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"She's my... familiar, she's obsessed with me and she found out that I'm in love with you so she came after you. I'm so sorry I put you in danger. I never thought in a million years that she would find me again. Lucresia I am so sorry." Nick explained as he teared up and put his face on his hands. I stepped closer and embraced him in a hug.

"It's not you fault, Nick. Thank you for coming for me." I whispered as he looked at me with a sweet smile.

"I'll always save you, I love you. Forever."



Thank you for reading x

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