49. Like a damn fiddle

Start from the beginning

" 3-2-1" Stark said, handing us some earpieces so that we could contact him and the team before we jumped, me half pushing off Loki, in case he held back.

I felt nothing but the air in my face and the strange and yet exhilarating feeling of falling for a couple of seconds before we slammed into a cramped seat, which caused me to grind my teeth in pain. Loki put a hand to my leg and stomach where it had started to bleed again. Dammit.  This wasn't good. I knew I was going to be a liability. " By Odin's good eye, Maeve" Loki muttered, while I gritted my teeth.

He ruffled behind me for a first aid kit and found it, managing to wrap some gauze around my leg as I put pressure on my stomach. The jet was a two-seated fancy machine, autopiloted by Jarvis, and thankfully faster than the quinjet. If were were at top speed, we could get back to Greenland in half an hour.

The first aid kit looked pretty sparse, with medical supplies ranging from tons of gauze to band aids, mosquito spray and a defibrillator. I picked up something, a small case. Jackpot. Just what I was looking for. " Painkillers" I sighed, popping a whole packet. 

I helped Loki, and by the time everything was patched up, a message came through the earpieces that Stark gave us. " We've got the coordinates, rerouting the destination."

" Where too?" I asked.

" I don't know how to say this, Maeve...."

"Say it" I said, not knowing what to expect.

" Kazen, Russia"

Loki and I looked at each other, almost in panic. They had Storm and Pepper in the Red Room.


We stepped out of the jet, mostly flustered and under high alert. This wouldn't be pretty; we knew that for certain. I had low hopes for Storm; if there was a casualty, she would probably be it, without any way to defend herself, and an unrelenting fear of just about anything. 

But I was determined. I put my game face on. Storm would be safe, and if she wasn't... well, Andrei would be getting one hell of a wakeup call. I'd already thought about how I was going to kill him after this, up to the point where Loki had decided that it was better to stay out of my mind, where he belonged.

No-one messes with Maeve. And if they do, they get punished for it, was it that hard to grasp? Did Andrei really think that I would be happy about this? His crazy assassin ex, who apparently can take whatever is thrown at her. At some point, she would throw things back.

Power crackled in my veins. Fire. I couldn't even sense any of the ice in me. No, it was just hot, unbridled rage that seeped through my skin. Nothing cold here. 

We had landed just outside the Red Room, which was looking more or less like an abandoned, creepy house. I stormed through the doorway, the huge oak slab knocking against the wall. No-one messes with Maeve. 

" We should split up and search for clues" Tony said, his voice slightly warped by the iron man suit. " Velma, take the west wing. Shaggy, the North. I'll take the East. Operation find Daphne and Scooby under way"

" Tony, you need to stop." I said. " Half the time I don't even know what you're saying."

" I can't help that I'm transferring my chronic anxiety into pop culture references, okay? You take the west, Loki north, me east. We'll meet up if we don't find anything and then we'll proceed underground"

And with that, he flew off, me and Loki taking a glance at each other and then proceeding to part ways. I'm here if you need me I thought.

Same to you,too 

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