36. Poptarts

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Jane Foster

"Jane, my love,my sunshine, my life. Where are the Poptarts?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes, typing the fifth page to my astronomy paper on my old, dingy laptop. Usually, I enjoyed the quiet nights, the hot cups of coffee mixed with the smell of my musty caravan, but ever since Thor came, it lost it's touch. " If you really want to know, Thor, they aren't anywhere. We ran out yesterday, when you ate the last packet"

Thor audibly humphed and collapsed next to me on the trailers tiny seat, making the vehicle shudder. " What is this you are writing on this electronic device. What do you midgardians call it, an electronic letter, an email?"

" No, it's called a document. It's for Eric Selvig. You remember him, right? I'm writing up the paper so that I can prove interdimensional space travel is real and is happening." I said, trying to get back to my work. If I didn't have these documents submitted in two days, it would be all for nothing.

"But it is" he said in all seriousness, and I couldn't help but smile at his confusion.

" Yes, but most of us earthlings don't believe that, so I've got proof to back it up"

" You know" he grinned, sipping on a large mug of coffee. " This caravan needs an upgrade. How about a castle? A castle will do! Yes. We should have fountains and training grounds and servants."

I almost rolled my eyes at him, but instead leaned against him, into the clothes I had bought him almost a week ago from the nearest Walmart. " That wouldn't be discreet"

" No, my dear. It wouldn't. And, that reminds me-"

One eyebrow shot up. " I was wondering when you'd be leaving"

" Ah, my love. You can read my mind like an open scroll, I can see!"

I stopped writing on my laptop, closing the screen and putting it back on a shelf. The caravan was clean, and ever since Thor came over almost a week ago, I'd had to but triple the amount of food I would buy for myself and my best friend, Darcy Lewis. We'd been absolutely cramped in this small space from the get-go, but when Thor came around, Darcy decided to spend some time with Eric, who was currently a professor at some University. Me? I preferred research. Finding solid facts to back up my theories on portals and space, using mostly the stars and the sky.

Right now, we were camping on the edge of Death Valley national park, California, mapping the changes in star patterns in the darkening sky. Since it was winter, the sky was darker, making it easier to see the bright, twinkling lights, although sometimes, I could go days whilst the sky was covered in a thick layer of clouds. 

Thor didn't mind travelling with me, didn't mind it at all, even though sometimes he could get on my nerves. But that's what I liked about him. His hope, his puppy-like persona. His optimism, even when his friends were in danger.

And he'd told me about that. Told me that I shouldn't worry, that he had just come by to check in, and that he would have to leave soon. And by soon, he meant just a week later. 

" I need to help them, my love, but I have the faintest clue as to where they are"

" Why didn't you ask me?" I exclaimed, opening my laptop again. " Who's in the gang? Scooby? Shaggy?"

Thor laughed, having watched some kids shows on the dingy tv near my bed. On those late nights, we used to sit down with poptarts and watched whatever was on tv. And sometimes that meant cringy cartoons.

Thor came a week earlier. Said that he had to save the world, but first, he had to make sure that I was alright. I teared up when he told me, and I think he might have too. But he hadn't told me what had happened, except he told me not to trust anybody. Had gone to town with me to get the groceries, had listened to the radio non-stop. Had read every single newspaper in town, a pile of them neatly stacked on the table.

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