39. Crows

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I sat up from the couch." That bullet didn't take away your fashion sense, I see?"

He walked towards us, slowly. Too slowly. He was going to need at least a day more to fully heal. Finn didn't notice his slight limp, the too pale face, concealed by a feral grin, wearing his overly accentuated reindeer helmet and full outfit.

A flash of green and he was in a black tuxedo, hair slicked back. He turned around, arms out, as if to show us how he'd miraculously survived. Finn looked slightly shocked about the costume change for a second, but concealed it well.

I slow clapped. " I applaud you, Loki. How long did it take to convince the Avengers to get the hell out of the house?"

" Are you saying you don't want me here, Maeve, darling?"

" I'm just saying that climbing out the window would have been hard in your reindeer helmet. And neither would be climbing down the house"

Loki had taken residence in my room, with no explanation, but I didn't mind. I'd found him in it the previous morning, and we hadn't talked about it. I guess there was nothing to talk about. He was the only person I actually trusted to share a bed with, anyways. And it's not like we were-

" We were actually just talking, Maeve and I" Finn said, a slight cold lacing his voice. 

Loki smiled. " Really? How interesting"

" Until you came in"

I almost laughed. Was he... jealous? Finn was just as shallow as I thought he was, then. Or maybe he just didn't like Loki at all. I could find a million reasons why, too.

I don't like him Loki said in my mind. If he knew just what I can do-

Has being shot not only wounded yourself, but also your judgement? I thought you were over the 'mortal' nonsense. I shot right back.

" Well," Loki drawled, yet again. " Seeing as I've already battled the frost of Jotenheim on my way here, I see no reason to go back, not to satisfy your little flirtation with the dark side"

" Flirtation with the dark side?" Finn asked, incredulous. " What the hell do you mean by that?"

Loki grinned. " See how I put little in there" he said, looking down at me, winking. I almost punched him.

But Finn didn't take it as a joke" She's a girl." he said. " Don't paint her as a monster"

Loki visibly sighed, as if he was saying Yes, I definitely hate this guy

Come on,I thought Don't you see he's a little fun? I want to see what it's like to be normal

Normal is boring. Although fun to manipulate, I agree.

I'm not manupul-

Well, I definitely am

I rolled my eyes, looking at both of them. " Boys, boys. I know I'm just irresistibly stunning and gorgeous, but please refrain from fighting over me, I might faint from all the excitement"

They sat there for a few seconds, Loki danging his foot over the armchair, Finn practically fuming, as if he was about to say 'I didn't do anything!', but we all knew that that was what Loki was looking for, a rise out of Finn.

" So, " Loki said to Finn. " what were you two talking about when I rudely interrupted?"

Finn cleared his throat, an expression of calm spreading over his face. " Family. Music. What music do you like, Loki?"

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