33. Actions speak louder than words

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I didn't think. I didn't speak.

I acted.

Bodies brushed passed me, almost knocking me over in a desperate frenzy to escape the crowded room, in an attempt to escape the fatal gunshots.

After everyone was out, finally I went too, locking the door from the outside. I then crept around the side of the building into a deserted alleyway, grabbing a bag that I had left there a couple of hours ago, not stolen thank the gods. My fingers fumbled around the zip, pulling it open, pulling it open fully, so that I could quickly grab the clothes inside and change.

Breaking the window was the easy part, but I didn't imagine that I was going to have to crawl onto the roof and jump into the window from there, didn't imagine that I would have to creep, silent as a ghost, through the club.

It was silent. Too quiet as I flicked my wrists black, revealing two knives jutting from my wrists. I smiled. They would pay for what they had done.

There was no possibility that Loki could die. None, because if he did, I would tear apart the world, tear apart Hela's realm to search for him. And then I would kill whoever hurt him.

Elemental. came a distant voice in my head. My eyes widened and I strained to hear anymore.

Are you hurt? I thought.

Of course I'm fucking hurt. You saw me get shot!

I couldn't help it. I chuckled at my question. I meant... where were you shot? Are you putting pressure on the wound?

You know where I am, Maeve  His voice got more distant. Just, don't worry

I will find you, Loki, I thought, determination interrupting my vision.

I would put Andrei's work to good use. I would get to Loki. I would stop the blood. I wouldn't let him die.

Simple plan, but when put to use, it would be much more complicated.

I crept into an alcove, under a table, observing the scene.

Chaos reigned in the nightclub. Steve, shield in hand, was sparring several SHIELD agents at once, back to back with Nat. Tony, complete with iron man hand, shot at agents from the second floor, Clint joining him.

Kai and Ragnar were taking down agents as well, much slower than the rest, but still making a mark on them. But where was Finn?

There was a body on the second floor, and without thinking, without feeling, I set my sights onto that body, standing up from the spot I was in, revealing my place to everyone.

SHIELD agents poured into the club, like mosquitoes to a light, their fluorescent eyes glowing in the darkness. There must be someone there with the Spectre, to have so many mind-controlled people there.

Anger and determination sparked inside of me. I would get to Loki. I would set things right.


As soon as that gunshot echoed throughout the club, I knew we were going to have a problem. Maeve disappeared from sight. Clint and the terrible three reappearing on the second floor.

I just had enough time to turn around when the force of a thousand brick walls shoved me over the edge of the balcony, sending me crashing down to the first floor.

It didn't give me anything but a scratch, but it did separate me from Loki, who would be dead if no-one intervened in time. I had to get up to him. But there was no time. Enemies surrounded me and Nat, trained SHIELD agents, trained by me. It took me back to the days of Hydra and SHIELD. Much simpler days.

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