27. Storms make trees take deeper root

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" I think we've got everything we need" I sighed, rolling my eyes. " I change my mind. I hate shopping"

" Whoever said you liked it?" Loki questioned, loading the items we had bought into the back of the car. 

" Thought I would. How about you?"

" I'm having an absolutely horrible day," he said, scratching behind the ears of Storm, who snuggled in my arms, hiding her nose from the cold. " Terrible, in fact."

The sarcasm was nearly tangible, and I chuckled. " We've got everything. Plus that stuff Clint told us to get. Looks like enough to supply an army for the winter"

" Agreed. Hopefully, we won't need to come back."

To never see this pretty little skiing town again. It was good, but I saddened, knowing that we'd have to stay cooped up in that house for god knows how long. To stay in that house. And even though it was large and welcoming, 9 people living inside would be quite crowded. Which I wasn't looking forward too. Made me remember the days when I had to line up behind 20 girls for a 1 minute cold shower. Now, I realised that the girls would never have to go hungry, to yearn for a clean, or some fresh water. And it warmed my heart slightly, but I still didn't know where they went, and even if Clint had told me they'd made it to a safe place, I couldn't believe it until I saw it for myself.

But it was better than nothing. I could finally live with the knowledge that the girls weren't hurt or starving or dead. They were all alive, an one day, if I survived this, I might be able to visit them, even though I doubt that they'd like me much.

" Hey Loki..."

" Hmmm?"

" We finished the shopping early... And this town is known for its snowy mountains"

" And?" he was growing impatient, wondering what I was going to say.

I didn't realise that a grin slowly crept onto my face until it was to late, until I looked up at Loki with mischievous eyes "You wanna go for a Ski?"

His answering smile was far greater than any I could muster. " Feeling like breaking the rules, Maeve?"

Twenty minutes later, we had reached the top of the mountain, the sky misty and snow ridden. I pushed Storm into my jacket, like a joey in a pouch, her bitten ears poking out. It was cold, but not as cold as I had expected it to be, barely hitting -5 degrees. It brought me back to those chilly nights in Russia, trudging through snow for resilience training. Except, this time, I was actually in the snow because I wanted to go. Not because I had to make myself stronger, but merely for the fun of it. And that's what I kept telling myself. This is for fun. I don't have to do anything I don't want. This is a choice. 

My choice.

There was a ski resort ahead, and a large store for ski's next to it. We smiled to each other, adrenaline burning in my veins. I hoped it wouldn't disappear before we got onto the slopes.

" How can I help you today?" a young man with reddish brown hair asked us at the counter.

" We'd like the whole assortment. Ski's, clothes, beanies, whatever you've got. Whatever price, we'll pay. Oh, and he's got his own clothes. Just for me"

" Early birds here to catch the items before they go?" The young man asked, looking us up and down. He walked over to behind the counter where racks of Ski's were.

" Something like that" I said.

He handed us two pairs of Ski's. " We only have ones to lend. But if you pay the right price..."

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