44. Helpless

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We'd been driving for what seemed like days, when they took me out, the tall guy ordering me to walk, pushing me along. I had long since contemplated the idea of Loki being dead, but he couldn't be. He was a God, he couldn't be killed by a couple of mortals. But that didn't stop me from wondering just what had happened.

They thought they had complete control of me. I almost grinned with anticipation, fighting to keep my face still. As if. My eyes glowed blue, but my mind was clear as day, as they brought me to a facility, behind Andrei's fathers house.

The old workshop, except now, soldiers streamed through the doors, packing guns and knives into boxes with deft movements.

It was a cold workshop, like a huge, metal box, no windows, only two doors. And then the house branching off of it, looking not too different, except with a couple of chimneys and windows dotting the sides. I had once thought of it as a safe place. Oh, how wrong I was.

No-one grabbed my arms or pushed me along. No-one forced me to do anything. No, they thought that I was under the control of Andrei, walking along the dirty gravel like some blind owl. Indeed, my eyes must have looked like one.

We entered the workshop, large and mostly empty, save for a couple of people, a couple of people including my controller, Andrei.

I wasn't as surprised to see him as I thought I would be, his hair shining against the alien weaponry stacked up against the walls. " Got this all from the attack after New York. Stole it from the streets" his voice echoed throughout the room, turning towards me.

I smiled, a sly smile, walked up towards him where he was examining a glowing blue gun, and knelt before him. " My wishes are yours to command, my love"

The cuffs bore into my wrists, smothering all life and power from my veins, stripping me of my very essence. " I've waited for you to say that for a very long time" his eyes glinted, grinning, tilting my chin up with those long, weavers fingers. " I dreamed of those blue eyes on you, but alas, you don't look too different. Your face has filled out, cheekbones and hair... and full lips. That night in the alleyway, I couldn't see you that well... I'm afraid the Avengers treated you better than I did"

" They could never" my voice rasped.

He then paced, slowly. " We need to talk. Come with me"

I followed him into the house, past men sharpening blades and aiming weapons, all furrowing their eyebrows at me. I noticed that none had glowing, blue eyes. The sceptre lent against the wall, and Andrei picked it up without hesitation, the thing nearly taller than him. I eyed it carefully, but not too carefully, wondering why he would take it in with us.

A few minutes later, he told me to sit down on a hard wooden chair in the middle of the dining room, so I did, without hesitation.

" I've been wondering what you have been doing, where you have been going." he said in Russian, sitting opposite me.

No-one was here except for us, the air growing tense. I replied in Russian as well. " I killed that boy for you. The one who called himself Finn."

"Ah, yes. Useless. I like him better dead"

" I escaped the Avengers" I spat the name. " They've got me wrapped around their little fingers, though. They would do anything for me"

" You lied and deceived for weeks, for me?" he chuckled.


" Why did you bring Loki?"

" The thought of me betraying him. That look of hurt in his eyes. Priceless. I liked the thought of him dead by your men"

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