✘ Chapter 16 ✘

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Chapter 16
"If you can't face the wolves, don't go in the forest."
I lay on the ground in the middle a rusty looking cell, my body bland from any movement. My wrists are changed together as well as my ankles, leaving me restless and defeated. The room is dark and freezing cold, leaving me to shiver as I curl up, warming myself.

My wrists and ankles are bruised from the tight cuffs, and my body is badly sore from being beaten and used. Blood had dried off on my dirty, beaten body and torn up clothes.

My throat hurts from screaming for help and my loud yelps of pain escaping my busted lips. My wolf is weak and I'm doubting Sam will ever find me. I'm hopeless.

The iron door creaked open, letting light pass through.

They're back for me..


"Colby! Colby wake up!" A voice yelled, shaking me awake. I sat up quickly and shuffled into the corner of my bed, whimpering madly as I panted. I hugged my knees tightly as my body shook rapidly, dripping with sweat.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're okay baby. You're okay." Sam soothed and sat next to me. I whimpered and shuffled into the corner further if I could anymore. "Let me calm you." Sam said softly as he gently raised his hand, inching it towards my head.

I flinched and watched as his hand continued heading towards me, feeling terror fill me. "You're okay." He said again until I finally let him pet me. He pulled me over gently and hugged me tightly in hope I calm down.

"It was just a nightmare baby. I'm here. I'm right here." Sam whispered as I sink into his warmth and comfort. I wiped the tears that stained my face and snuggled into Sam further. And soon enough, Sam began scratching my ear, stirring all the bad thoughts away, only leaving me perky and oddly calm.

Time Skip

It's been a few hours after my nightmare, and I was starving. "Come on, let's go eat." Sam noticed and stood up. He walked towards the door and stopped once he heard me whine. "Fine." he groaned and walked over. He picked me up making me smile happily and walked downstairs with me.

"Thank you peasant." I said as he put me down on the counter. "What'd you call me?" He growled playfully making me giggle. "Peasant. Now go along." I played on, shooing him away. He growled again playfully and pushed me down on the island making me squeak.

He ran the other side of the island and caught wrists, pinning them to the island. I laughed loudly as everything looked upside down.

"What'd you call me again?" Sam asked raising an eyebrow. "Peasant." I spoke with full confidence as I struggled against his grip. "Hey Corey! Guys! Come down here!" Sam yelled and we soon heard multiple footsteps hurrying down.

In walked Corey, Brennen, Devyn, Kat and Jake and Elton minutes after . "Yea~?" Corey sang as they all approached us in the kitchen. "Ooh~ Sam's making lunch? Hell yea!" Jake exclaimed licking his lips as he staired me down. "Am I the lunch?" I asked in confusion and everyone laughed.

"So what's going on?" Kat asked laughing. "Well, pup here called me a peasant and I want to know what you think we should do to him. Any ideas?" Sam asked and my eyes widened. I shook my head 'no' to the roommates but they all smirked evilly.

"Well, Colby stole my hair straighter." Devyn said crossing her arms. "He ruined my dance video!" Corey pouted. "He ate all my candy." Kat playfully glared. "Colby cut a piece of my beard." Elton glared as well. Oh shit did I really do all that?

"Colby won't let me kiss him." Brennen pouted and everyone laughed but Sam, who glared at Brennen. "Finally, Colby didn't text me the full day." Jake said fake crying.

"Someone's been naughty this past week, aye?" Sam said staring down at me. I let out a nervous laugh and sent a cute smile. "Wait am I alone in this one?" I asked now realizing everyone was against me and everyone nodded. Shit.

"S-Sam youre hurting me." I 'winced' and he quickly let go, looking down at me in concern. "Oh I'm sorry little one." He said guilty but I just laughed, hopping off the island and running away. "Get him!" Corey yelled and everyone chased me around the house a so laughed loudly.

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