✘ Chapter 11 ✘

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Chapter 11
"An audience can be like a pack of wolves."
I stood at the mansion entrance, nervous to walk in. Sam convinced me into moving back in with them but I don't know what the roommates feel about it. "What's wrong baby?" Sam asked worried as he wrapped his arm around me.

"What if the r-roommates don't... like me anymore?" I asked a bit down as I thought through the many possibilities that may happen. Besides, I just ran away with merely an explanation.

"Aww, baby of course they will." Sam soothed, eyebrows furrowed as he pulled me closer, and I nodded with a sigh. I took in a deep breath and walked through the door with Sam on my trail.

The loud chatters and laughs of the roommates died down once all eyes landed on me, some even gasping. "Hey g-guys." I smiled but they simply looked away. I felt sadness fill me when the realization finally hit me. They don't like me anymore. Hell, they probably hate me too.

Sam rubbed my waist assuringly and guided me over none the less. The movie was put on pause and the lights were all off except the dim kitchen lights. Sam sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him indicating I sit. I did as told and sat down next to him, allowing his warmth to engulf me.

They played the movie, only the sound of the tv being heard. Which is odd since we always talk during the movies.

Sam smiled at me throughout the movie and I sent one back assuring him I'm fine. Eventually, we all got bored and turned off the movie.

I watched Sam and the rest chatting, none of them glancing at me. It was almost heartbreaking. "Hey, I'll be back. I need to use the restroom for a quick leak." Sam chuckled before standing up and kissing my cheek.

I nodded as well as the roommates before he left. I sit on the couch, hands on my lap as I stay silent. Sam soon came back after a few short minutes and decided to go get some pizza, leaving me with the rest.

Everyone scattered away once Sam left, leaving me alone in the gaming area. I sighed and looked down at my hands as my eyes glossed. I might just lose my best friends.

I snifled slightly and wiped my tears once Devyn walked into the kitchen.

"I can't take this anymore." Davyn groaned before rushing to my side. "Why are you crying love?" she asked worried as she kneeled down beside me, placing her hands on my knees.

"I-It's nothing." I snifled and wiped my face, cursing myself for crying. "Tell me, Colby." She pried softly and lifted my chin.

"None of the r-roommates like me anymore, Devyn. E-Everyone's been avoiding m-me and acting like I don't exist." I spoke sadly making her sigh,

"Of course we still like you Colby." Jake suddenly said as he entered the room, Brennen, Corey and the rest behind him.

I looked at them in sadness then back down. "It just felt awkward and we were mad that you just left like that." Corey explained and they all nodded in agreement.

"I-I'm sorry." I mumble, running a hand through my hair. "Its alright Colbs." Kat smiled as they all walked over and engulfed me a warm hug.

We soon heard the door open and a deep growl making everyone scatter away as Sam walked in. He instantly wrapped his arms around me making me chuckle as he glared at everyone else.

"No one hugs my baby if I'm not included." He growled and everyone laughed at his jealousy. Suddenly I was picked up making me squeak and taken into our bedroom where Sam dropped me down with a soft laugh.

"Finally mine again." He hummed, pulling me closer.

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