Green to Blue

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Kari's grip on Thor's arm tightened as she watched the thing the man of Iron had called a monitor. Midgard...Earth's technology had been greatly improved since she last step foot here. Metal machines lay everywhere. It was foreign to the Valkyrie, but she could understand some of the science behind it.

"He really grows on you, doesn't he?" The red head turned to address the scientist.

"If think he is dramatic now, you would be mistaken. He was much more dramatic as a child. But he was also kinder." Her tone drifted off at the end and the scientist and the captain gave her pitying looks, causing her to scowl.

"Loki's going to drag this out. Thor, what's his play?"

"He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract." Kari nodded at Thor's explanation. She was thinking. Loki's eyes...something was off. And no, not off as in insane. They Why were they blue?

" An army...from outer space?"

"I am afraid so, Captain." Kari's golden eyes held his stare as she bowed her head.

"He's building a portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for." Thor perked up like an excited puppy at the name. Kari raised an eyebrow at this.


"He's an astrophysicist."

"He's a friend." Kari's mouth formed a small 'oh' as realization struck.

"Ah yes. He is the man you spoke so fondly of."

"Loki has him under some sort of spell, along with one of ours." Kari eyed the woman, as if she was trying to analyze her.

"I am sorry for Loki's behavior, but I may be of some help. I have some experience with magic, and whilst mind control was not my area of...expertise, I could most likely narrow it down. Is there any footage of their possession I can possibly examine?"

"Sure Starfire, take a look." Kari gave the Man of...wait...Iron Man a weird look. Did he hit his head harder than she thought?

"I assure you, I am not..."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You can't fool me." Kari sighed before examining the footage.

"Can you run it once more?" Squinting slightly, Kari stepped forwards and pointed to the screen.

"There. Your friend's eyes changed to a brighter blue. Sparky, can you recall anything unusual about our encounter with Loki?"

Thor blinked once. Twice. Realization dawned on him. "Loki's eyes seemed to be the same shade as that of Barton's."

"And this is unusual how?" The other people in the room who would very soon be known as 'The Avengers' turned towards the two assgardians.

"I have known Loki for nearly one thousand years. You would think by now that I would know that his eyes are green. His magic was always green. And why would it change now? What changed its color?"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I believe I am, Lady Natasha."

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