magic lessons

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Kari's p.o.v:

"Focus Loki. Magic is all about connections. Everything here on Asgard is filled with magic. It is the oil that lets the gears of this realm turn," I calmly say, my golden eyes never leaving his sight. It has been weeks since I directed the young prince out of the dungeons and offered to teach him Magic. I never got far into the study itself, but it was a start. Once I'm done teaching him, I imagine he'll leave me, just like everyone else.

I smile as I watch a shimmer of light green in his hands form a butterfly. It doesn't matter that he'll leave. I have helped him, and that is enough. My loyalty was to the royal family. The only one that ever lost my trust was Odin.

" You may open your eyes now Loki." I let out a laugh as Loki's green eyes widen with amazement and a tiny gasp escaped his lips.

"I've done it! Thank you, Kari, you're the best!" Loki looks up at me, the excitement evident in his eyes. I don't understand why people treat him the way they do. He is so precious.

"You're welcome, little one." Loki frowns at this nickname and I laugh again. He was only but a few Midgardian years younger than I. I love to tease him about the age gap.

"Hey, I thought we talked about this Scorch!" Yes, we have nicknames for each other. Shut your pie hole. Loki's hands were placed on his hip in a sassy manner and he gave me his legendary 'puppy dog eyes'.

"Ah nooo! I've been slain by the legendary puppy dog eyes!" Dramatically I yell out as I lie on the ground, a flame surrounding my body.

Most of the time Loki came to me to learn the basics of magic, but as time went on, magic lessons slowly turned into counseling sessions. Often they were about how he was treated, whether it was about Thor, Odin, or the townspeople.

I waited patiently for the day his visits would cease to a halt. Despite everything I had been through and the knowledge that one day he too would forget, I couldn't stop myself from becoming attached to the boy.

I watched from behind my walls of glass as he grew and matured. I'm not sure when, but somewhere along the line, his attitude changed. Admittedly, it was very gradual, but I could sense the bitterness in his words. The confusion. From what I had heard, Loki felt as if his Father favored his brother. There was only so much I could do from my isolated chamber, but I wished if I could do more to help him. 

Often when he would get distraught he would sit in front of the glass that separated us and ask to hear about my time as a Valkyrie. Time and time again he would ask and I always managed to tell a new one every time. I worry that when I run out he'll leave. I don't wish to be left to my own thoughts. Alone time used to be satisfying but now it makes me anxious.

If you couldn't tell by now, on the outside I may be strong and independent, but on the inside, I tend to be anything but. I know who I really am. Deep down inside, underneath the strong illusion of a warrior, I am clingy.

I don't think it fully occurred to me that something had gone wrong until yesterday.

Everlasting Flame~Loki x ocWhere stories live. Discover now