Thank you, little one

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Loki's p.o.v:
My eyes, which were now my normal shade of green, gazed at Kari with a newfound respect and appreciation. Even after all these years I've known her, not once has she appeared cruel and unwise. Kari would make a perfect queen one day, and I plan to make her just that, if she'll let me.

"Thank you for being so kind and understanding. I am sorry to split ways just yet, but I must join Mother in watching over the All-Father and discussing the throne situation. I shall send a maid to help you settle in, and when you are ready, you may join us. I am sure Mother would love to see you again. She always spoke so fondly of you, and I can see why." A blush snuck its way onto her face as I start to lead her to her room. Her hand, which had decided to grasp my arm, tightened its grip slightly at the mention of Mother and her breath hitched.

"Your Mother speaks highly of me? What... what has she said?" Kari's voice was usually soft and silky smooth. Now it sounds scratchy and worn out. Kari's golden eyes seemed to focus upon her feet and her red hair fell into her face, blocking it thoroughly.

I reached up to move her hair and chuckled. "I assure you, Scorch, she has only spoken high words of praise of your accomplishments and success."

"Yes, well I don't feel very successful." I scowl at her words of self-doubt. My Odin truly broke her.

"From what I had seen, I would disagree. You were the youngest Valkyrie within centuries. Your fighting skills and powers are revolutionary. Not to mention that you are kind and steady headed." Kari blushed once more and turned to face me, for we had pulled to a stop outside her door.

"Thank you little one. You have gone above and beyond what anyone has done for me." Pausing momentarily, she leaned forwards and kissed my cheek before opening the door and disappearing inside. I smiled slightly before making my way to the infirmary.

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