Simply Radiant

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Her golden eyes glimmered as she finally caught sight of her husband. His back was turned away from her, but she could hear his laugh from where she stood. Slowly she sauntered over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "So this is where you've been hiding, love."

He turned his head with a smile as he made room besides himself for her to sit. "You've caught me, darling. Kari, I want you to meet the Grandmaster."

"So you're this fine man's wife, huh? I've heard loads about you, and I must say you're even more radiant than he described."

She smiled pleasantly although she didn't like the way he was looking at her or Loki. "Thank you. I wish I could say the same, but you see, I've only just arrived."

Loki flashed a smile to hide the fact that he was equally uncomfortable. "Well, I think it's best if we continue this another time. I want to show my wife around your lovely domain."

The older man laughed as they stood in unison. "Oh, I'm sure you do. Now go on, love birds."

Once they were out of sight, Loki cupped her face and brought her into a kiss. It was slow and gentle at first before it quickly sped up. Loki let out a growl in the back of his throat as he lifted her and placed her on the bed that hadn't been there for seconds before.

She giggled as he moved to needy kisses along her exposed neck and collarbone. "Missed me that much, did you?"

He nipped slightly before pulling back slightly so he was hovering above her. "I was worried she'd kill you before I got to show you just how much I love you. Let me show you."

Her eyes glazed over with lust at the suggestion. "Okay."

Mornings and evenings had always been Loki's favorite time of the day. It was a time the couple could truly be themselves, without the fake smiles or the bickering, or whatever fit the agenda for the hectic day. And, once upon a time, when he was but a child fawning over a chained up teen, it had been the only times he could see her besides lunch on several occasions.

She had been the first person besides his Mother who had truly seen him. They had watched each other grow up on opposite sides of the glass, so close, yet never able to touch. He had been her sanity through the solitude just as she had been his.

His green eyes fondly watched his wife. Her darker skin seemed to glow a soft golden brown in the early light of the morning as a halo of blood-red frames her face. He brushed a strand of her hair out of her face and Kari turned into his touch. "Mmm. Morning Mr. Odinson."

He grinned softly at her. "Morning Mrs. Odinson." He positioned himself so he was hovering over her bare body. His lips connected with hers. "You're looking ravishing as always. Simply radiant."

She playfully shoved him off her. "Oh shut up. Now come along, we're going to be late."

It wasn't until her third day on Sakaar that Kari had the pleasure of reuniting with her old friend. The redhead had launched herself at the other Valkyrie in a laugh unlike any Loki had heard before. It seemed more carefree and gave him a glimpse of what her life was like before Odin locked her away. Thinking about it made his heartache, for he had never seen her so happy as she seemed now.

Everlasting Flame~Loki x ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें