I'm sorry

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Kari's p

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Kari's p.o.v:
The second I closed the door, I slid down it until I was sitting down, back leaned against the door. The world's moving too fast. I've received my first taste of freedom after hundreds of years. I found out my only friend who I may or may not love is a frost giant. Then I kissed him. Whilst it may have not been on the lips, it still felt rushed and out of line. He is my prince, after all. And as much as I detest it, I can't be his princess. Odin would never give his approval to me courting, let alone marrying, one of his sons. On top of all that, no longer am I aware of the customs and what is considered polite.

Knock, knock, knock. "Lady Kari, May I come in?" I force myself to stand, taking a moment to straighten my dress, then open the door.

"Yes, of course. I'm assuming Loki sent for you?" I was faced by a girl only a couple of inches shorter than I. A blush made its way onto her face, exposing her freckles as she nodded frantically.

"Yes Ma'am. I think we should start with your attire first then move onto your hair, which undoubtedly requires a...trim." That was the nicest way to say 'we need to cut off four feet of your hair', as I can imagine. Yes, over the years my hair had grown to stop about my ankle length. In my defense, I haven't cut my hair in since Hella.

My golden eyes watched as my red and orange locks fell to the floor. Finally, the snipping of scissors slowed to a stop. I didn't look all that terrible. My hair now stopped about mid-back and nicely framed my face.

"There, that's better Lady Kari! Now, I have just the dress to go with your hair..." A dress. Just great. But I do admit, it does match my hair. I stare at the stranger in the mirror. A strapless red dress that faded to orange-clad her body, along with a matching red corset, sandals, and an orange arm bracket. Light makeup colored her eyelids and lips. That girl, restrained by society's means... it isn't me.

Smiling, I thank the maid and head towards the infirmary. This is it. No turning back now. My knuckles taped the door frame before I entered the room.

"Your highnesses?" Frigga and Loki's eyes shot to me. Loki offered me a reassuring smile and stood up, followed by his Mother. Now that I'm gazing upon my queen, the task at hand seems impossibly hard. "I..." Before I could continue, Frigga engulfed me in a hug. I hugged back as tears threatened to spill. "I'm sorry." That's all I could manage. I'm sorry. Over and over again.

"I know. I know. I must apologize too for not putting up a big fight with the All-Father. You didn't deserve what fate had set out for you." Frigga...always so kind.

"I must thank you for your kind words. What have the doctors said about his condition? Is it soon?" By it, I was referring to the freeing of Hella. The confused look on Loki's face did not go unnoticed by my golden stare.

"I'm afraid it does appear to be drawing close. We should have at least a decade." A decade...that's all I have to get back to my fighting peak. Even then, my efforts will be in vain.  I solemnly nodded. I no longer care for Odin...but if Hella gets here, the people might as well be killed by the plague or bandits.

"Pardon my interruption, but what is it?" Loki cast a glance between Frigga and me to see what he had missed. If he is acting king, he has a right to know what's really going on.

"I shall inform you in a more...private setting my liege." I formed a fist with my right hand and placed it over my heart, bowing slightly. Instinctively, his back straightened and he fixed his posture solemnly.

"Kari is right, we shouldn't discuss this here." Loki now looked generally concerned, as he should be. "Come, we can discuss this in my chambers."

Everlasting Flame~Loki x ocWhere stories live. Discover now