Chapter 5: ... One step back

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This bitch was get fucked with my folded fist. This hoe be clinging to my mate since morning and the part that gets me? He doesn't do shit. So far since breakfast I've broken five glasses, flung three plates and smashed three bowls. I'm on a fucking role.


Oh just fucking great, I broke the fucking table.

I've been using 'fucking' so much in my sentences I should he receiving a fucking award.

I grip the saucer I was holding so hard, staring at the bitch and I stared at her, as if she was my prey, which she is. I growl under my breath at finally finding the perfect spot. Everyone stared at me, well except my mate and that hoe, by the time they realised, I had already flung the saucer watching as it perfect hit the mark. Her fucking teeth, which might I add created carters in that bitch. I leaned back in my seat relaxed, as I watch her panic while holding her bloody mouth.

"You bitch!" she screamed.

Well to be more accurate, she tried to but she was busy, too busy chocking on a mouthful of blood. I stood up seat.

"Good day, I will be retiring. Until the Luna ceremony...if it happens!"

They stared at me weird as if hearing me murmur under my breath. "I said goodnight!"

I didn't try to hide it, I was tired enough that I'm hiding so many things from showing. I proudly parade myself up the stairs, doing it slowly and just as elegant as a queen.

I took off the gown I was wearing, slipping into a white spigetti strap crop top and a minions booty shorts. I sat out on the balcony staring at the stars, seeing if I could find the gate, if i could then i would fly there.

"What the hell!" the bedroom door slammed shut.

"Lovely. Now you finally remember that you have a mate." I said still didn't turn to face him.

"I was getting her comfortable!"

That was his sad effort of an excuse.

"Yeah comfortable you say. Like the way her boobs we're rubbing all over your chest, the way her hands trace under your clothes, and the way your hands gripped her thighs from under the table, of course you we're making her comfortable."

I spat, turning around to face him.

"And so fucking what," he didn't get to finish the sentence of course. I had suspended him.

In other words, I knocked the bitch out.

"Magic confided deep within,
Go search my victim, look for her darkest sin.
Break her ties, awake her sin, and ever night the clock strikes one I must hear her cries of terror from within..."

I stare up at the moon, smiling, I'm not happy I'm doing it but i'm not sad either. I'm numb.

"This curse goes on forever until she changes her ways or she dies. No power on earth except mine can change this."

I made sure to add that last part. There is just too shows that made a similar spell only to regret it and cannot reverse it. Two examples being Maleficent and Repunzel.

I continued to stare at the stars, admiring them. They always are so very beautiful, and free.

That was my last thought before I fell asleep right there on the balcony. A scream woke me up, it was full of so much terror and pain. I looked at the time to see that it was 1 o'clock. I stared up looking at anything I saw in my line of sight, soon after I just fell back asleep. The screams not really bothering me.

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