Chapter 4 : One step forward...

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In a month's time, Xander and I had went on many dates, I know more about him than I know about myself. Okay that a lie, a very big lie.

But we had grown quite close. We haven't fully accepted each other as mates but we were getting there. I haven't seen Bitchana during this time and I know she's up to no good, simply because it's Queen bitchfulness were talking about.

Moving along, Ty is back home, sadly, I haven't talked with him during this entire month, and I miss him tons. I had tried a few times to call him but I never got him and he never replied to my email or birdmails. Melia is busy with Alpha training with dad, Lily is well... Lily. Probably out doing something that makes no sense. Last time I saw her, her exact words were, ‘Go play catch with Mr. Handsome balls, I'm gonna go down to the pet store to buy birdseed, plant them and watch birds grow.” And then she just started talking to herself.

I tried explaining to her that birds came from eggs not seeds, at first she was confused and it too me half of the day for her to understand to the point that I dragged her through the forest looking for a bird's nest. when I found it, I also found eggs in it. I showed her that birds weren't born from seeds but eggs, let's just say that she was vexed. But not for long she decided that because Valentine's was around the corner and since she can't grow birds for her 'valentines wanna-be' especially after she saw him ask a different girl to be his valentines instead of her, she decided that she was going to prank everybody she sees. This she plans to do by digging a hole then named the hole Love and watch everyone fall in Love.

I've decided to walk away from her at that point. I find it hopeless, and no amount of therapy will improve any brain activity. That was two days ago and I haven't seen her since, and I'm not planning to. The next time I see her, I might be 0.31 milliseconds from falling in Love. If you know what I mean.

I feel dumb. I think Lily is rubbing off on me. I thought to myself as I walked upstairs towards Xander's room. As I approached I heard him moaning followed by a female's moaning from in his room. I was pissed, I was literally burning bright red with anger. Just imagine, I gave him a damn chance and he fucking cheats on me a long tits hoe ass bitch.

I slammed the door open ready to yell at Xander and the hoe he was fucking but instead, found Xander on his bed, his laptop in front of him with porn on, his penis out, and him backing his fist. We stared at each other, well his junior rather than him before I ran out saying how sorry I was.

Before I could reach the front door I hear him running and calling my name. I was about to open the front door when Xander appeared infront of me, he was shirtless.

'How didn't I notice this?' I asked myself.‘Maybe because you were verry busy admiring his long thick length.’ My disgusting, annoying wolf said.

Why couldn't this be like stories I've read that the person would disturb their thoughts before it completes the sentences. Now I'm even redder than red. Was that even possible, is it even health to have so much blood rushed to my face which is close to my brain!

“That was awkward!”

Xander said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. My face was deathly pale, it just has to be unhealthy.

“I'm sorry!” I said turning away from him.

“It's alright, I guess it was gonna happen sooner or later.”

“Let's keep it at later, I have to make it through Luna mating ceremony which is in a month!”
I said walking away from him.

“I'm spending the weekend with my mom.” I said continuing walking away.

“That's it! That's all your gonna say after that?” He almost yelled.

“What else do you want me to say? I'm still trying not to think about that right now.” I said.

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