Chapter 10: Sunshine and sparks

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A/N: I definitely did not forget about this book😅. Really i didn't...I'm just working a full time job and is actually working on another story, but i do not plan to leave this book incomplete. Anyways...
Another head up, any new book after this will be a complete different genre which is also another contributing factor why my updates are so slow.


There was wind, a soft wind, it was soothing like and almost tickling me. I could feel myself slowly reconnecting with the world. Most times I'm 'asleep' other times i could feel slight pain of my internal organs reconstructing itself.

Like before i had no idea how long it has been and i am definitely not gonna count the seconds. Anyways as time goes by i started getting back the feelings in my body, like the heat from the sun or how cool the wind is or that someone keeps caressing me...not creepy at all.

I had no sense of time but slowly i started getting back my senses one by one and then finally i was able to open my eyes. The view was...pretty basic , a bit disappointing but i was still thankful none the less. I was facing to face with my ex mate, ex being that i can't feel the conmection with him anymore and at first i thought my wolf died. But then i remembered we had spoken a bit before i woke up, or at least i think it was just before i woke up.

“Hey.” I said to him my voice cracking a bit.

“Oh, thank the Goddess. Oh my, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry sorry.” and then he broke down in tears.

Honestly i wasn't even mad at him, i was before but now I'm too happy with me being alive and everything amd also with me still having a chance to still have a mate.

“It's fine, i promise, now can you please help me up, i have no idea how long I've been laying here but my back is killing me.”

And i know i sound extremely relaxed for someome who was dancing with death, but hey like i said, you live, die and you learn. He helped me sit up first, while took me a good minute because of how stiff my back was. Finally i was able to stand up.

“You're actually quite relaxed and I'm here crying myself to death!” He said looking off to the side.

“I remember everything and its not that I'm relaxed, its that although this was never in my plan how I should evolve, it worked out and I'm glad with the results, you were a shitty mate for me from the beginning, we just never complimented each other. The good news is, like i said that time in your hoise, you'll get a second chance mate, just please.don't fuck up, because tgere isn't a 'third is a charm' moment. But good news is, there is a slight possibility I'll also get a second chance mate one that will not be a werewolf, so I'm extremely excited. And last i wouldn't make meering death so lightly, its painful as fuck.” I said in one breath.

I started walking around a but but then turn back and face him, a pecked him on the lips.

“Please don't hurt her, i wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.” He stood there dumbfounded just staring at me.

At that exact moment a huge black wolf just Summersault body slammed me. Soon i realized it was my dad and soon my sister followed right after along with my female best friend, all in wolf form. I just laid there while i was licked and covered in wolf snot and mouth water.

“I love you guys too, and would love you more if you get off me...ohh dude that's a boob! please shift and greet me normally!” I said as i even being rolled on as if i was a mat.

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