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A/N: So before anything, i wanna say thanks to all those who stuck around with my inconsistent ass. Good news however is that my new story will not be a extremely short story, infact at this moment i am working on chapter 17? and I'm not even at the climax as yet. So i do expect at least 25 chapters but that might take sometime, but i am determined to finish and when i do i will be on a regular updating schedule. So look out for that!!!!

Moving on!!!

It has been a few years since the big day. A few things has changed in the past 5 years, I'm now 23 years old ruling over the angels while dodging my mom and mom in law for the past 3 months.

Basically all those years of not saying anything about Tyler plus another 5 years were too much and now for their sacrifices they are demanding grandchildren.

I mean I'm completely okay with having a child right now, but having my sex life continuously asked about and pried into isn't a good motivation.

They were crazy, just a month ago my mom placed an aphrodisiac in my tea, that didnt work so she drugged Tyler with salundria mushrooms, that night was hectic, thankfully I'm not pregnant.

I sat up in bed and breathe a sigh of relief cause i couldn't hear anything outside of the chambers. I cuddled up close to Tyler, throwing a leg across his midsection to get more comfortable, almost falling back asleep until i feel feather touches down my backside.

“Tyler!” i said in a warning tone.


“Dont ask what when you kn- mhmmm haahh!” i was cut off suddenly when one of tyler's finger sank into me.

“I haven't had a taste of you in weeks, i think you're well overdue with your payments.”

I barely heard what he said as he continued to assult my insides with his finger. He pushed my legs open as he continued to assult me, he added more and more fingers.

He ripped my night dress off me, disgarding the pieces somewhere in the room. My head was thrown back and eyes were closed until i felt the smooth head of his hard dick pressing into my entrance. I didn't get the chance to ask him to wear protection but before i could even call his name, he lunged forward. Pushing all inches in me, he immediately started to assult me leaving me literally crying beneath him.

This entire ordeal continued for a few hours before i passed out with him still actively pumping himsepf in me. When i did wake up, it was him, fully dressed, with a platter of food waiting for me. I was so sore, he helped me sit up and eat, then helped to bathe me. After than we continued our day suspiciously with not too much drama.

Two months pass since then and Tyler has had an unquenchable thrist since which has caused me to be extremely tired. I had been sleeping non stop during anything no matter the time of day. Im eating everything and i feel like I'm coming down with something.

I didn't want to ask my mom about it because i didnt want her to assume im pregnant but just over five minutes ago i ended up throwing up after being awake for three minutes and then after that proceeded to gag from just the smell of eggs, I'm heading there right now.

“Mommy!” i whined as soon as i saw her and my mom in law talking and laughing over tea.

“What's wrong, my beauty?” she asked and it took me a few minutes before i rubbed my face into her neck and mumbled that i wanted to take a pregnancy test.

“Baby i quite literally cannot hear you.”

I pouted but removed my face from her neck, look to the side and said,
“I wanna take a pregnancy test.”

Immediately there was gasps of surprise. I was pulled up carefully by mom in law. While my mom ran the heck away, more than likely to get estillel water.

After a minute or two my mom came back with a few servants bring in a medium sized pillar like structure containing the water.

I didnt fight or interrupt, i just let her do her thing. She pricked my fingers letting a few drops of blood fall into the water. We all held our breaths as a few minutes passed and no changes.

I can lie saying i wasn't disappointed a little bit, but thats a lie, i was absolutely disappointed. I was about to get up and walk away when my mom pulled me back down and when i looked back into the basin of water, it was turning q soft blue color. I was definitely pregnant.

Shouts of joy ran through the entire estate and everyone there and passing who heard the news began to celebrate. Only a few minutes later while i was still shocked but absolutely happy, my husband Tyler burst into the garden. He rushed up to me and hugged me.

Thanking me over and over again, promising to love us like no other and how he was happy to a dad. It was awesome.

A few months later i gave birth to a baby boy we named Matheus Levian Gray. Three years after that i got pregnant again and gave birth to another boy we named Oliver Stephen Gray. I was happy with my two boys but Tyler was adamant about trying for a girl, we argued back and forth for a while until i gave in and just two years after Ollie i was pregnant with girls. Yes girls as in plural. Though none of us knew until i had already birthed our first and all of a sudden, i wasn't done pushing.

Their birth was the hardest but just as fullfilling. Our first girl was Alayah Liliana Gray and our second born was Asriana Lilah Gray.

After those two we both decided that was all we needed, so with a few herb I've reduced ny fertility rate to just about zero. Its reversible as i do live on forever and who knows, mayble in a hundred years or so, I'll want more childern.

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