Chapter 28 [Extra]

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This is a heads up before you read below. The member AeroJeppi suggested this wonderful idea of writing two extra chapters with how Ariel's future with Ryan and Ian would be. So I want to thank her for this, and here is the first of the two extra chapters!

*Ariel Collins*

It is cold. 

Really cold.

The last time I'd been here wasn't that bad. Probably because it was summer. I smacked my forehead, hoping my stupid thinking would finally stop, before entering my apartment. It was much warmer and cozy, which I was grateful for. I dropped my keys on top of the little table next to the shoe case and toed my boots off. I removed my scarf, beanie and coat, placing them in the wardrobe and made my way towards my room. The double bed had nice fluffy pillows, a closet that took one side of the wall and two night stands beside the bed. My smile widened slightly as I changed into more comfortable and warm clothes.

I quickly skipped towards the kitchen, preparing some curry chicken with rice, hoping the visitor I was waiting for, would appreciate it. The smile I tried to suppress finally appeared making me squeal happily. I was quite speechless that he agreed to come. Maybe because his life was back in Florida and for better or for worse he had never had the chance to come here in England. But what suddenly scared me is would he be able to live here? To handle the weather changes and the different culture?

After the food was cooked, I checked the time and realized his plane would land shortly. Standing before the full length mirror next to the door and shoe case, I shrugged at my choice of clothing. Black sweatpants and a grey hoodie weren't the best way to greet a guest, a guy nonetheless but he couldn't careless. Granted we haven't seen each other in almost a month or so, but that was because I came here earlier to fix my place and make it suitable for a couple. I pulled on my converses, beanie, scarf and coat once again; grabbed my keys and phone and left the house in a hurry.

It took me almost an hour to reach the airport and another fifteen minutes to park and spot the person of interest. He stood alone, leaning over a huge column, that went from floor to ceiling. Heathrow airport was enormous and frankly I'm glad I spotted him fast, way easier than expected. His suitcases were suited on a stroller, a phone in his hand. My phone vibrated in my hand and I quickly opened the text I received from him.

Where are you?

With a lick of my lips, I replied,

Look up.

As soon as his blue eyes met mine, I boosted myself and ran towards him, zig-zagging through the small crowds of people that surrounded their loved ones and jumped right into his arms, locking my legs around his waist. My fingers instantly went through his hair and my lips crashed against his, a quiet whimper leaving me as my whole body slowly remembered how he felt against me. 

"I missed you so much." I breathed once I pulled back from the kiss. The man I've deeply fallen in love looked up at me with an adorable smile, but soon set me down on my feet and grabbed the stroller waiting for me to lead the way. And I did; I followed close beside him, questioning him about the trip and if he got all his stuff on our way to my car. "What do you think so far about England, Ian?" I smiled at him while I drove him towards our apartment.

Yes; it felt nice to call it our apartment and not mine or my mother's house.

"It's nice from what I can see. But I think you should ask for my opinion in a month." He chuckled and placed his hand on my thigh, momentarily disturbing me from driving safely. I smiled nervously, turning my attention back to the road. I really hoped he liked it here; I didn't want him to go back to Florida. Where all the girls from school were hitting on him, including me of course, or that ex fiancee of his. Fortunately the roads had emptied a little so it was easier to get back home. Once I found a parking spot, Ian got out of the car, taking his suitcases off the trunk and followed me up to the front door of our house. Soon we were both enveloped in the warm air that had a hint of the chicken curry I cooked.

"I have cooked for you. You should take a shower, change into comfortable clothes and come eat." I said as I led him towards the bedroom.

Our bedroom.

Ian followed closely but his gaze would stray over the rest of the house. It wasn't really big in all honesty. Two bedrooms, though the one turned into an office for Ian's work a bathroom and a living room connected with a kitchen. But what I love about it is that it's home. It's mine and Ian's house. Once in the bedroom, Ian let his suitcases down on one side and turned around, quickly enclosing me in his embrace. His lips found mine in an istant and as if remembering their usual reaction, my knees buckled at the feel.

We stood there for a while, just kissing and holding each other, until Ian pushed himself back. "I'll go take a shower now. I hope your food will be warm." He smiled, briefly showing me his pearly whites and left the room. Then I found myself skipping towards the kitchen. I set the table, putting a candle in the middle of it and carefully placed some chicken and rice on the plates. I poured the curry sauce over the white rice and placed the two plates opposite of each other. The salad, wine, wine glasses and napkins were the last touch I had to put.

"It smells amazing." Ian said somewhere from the hall and soon he appeared towel drying his hair, wearing a hoodie. sweats and socks. He leaned over, pecked my lips and sat down in front of me.

"I hope you like it." I mumbled, suddenly shy by his very obvious stare. After that we both dug in our food, me cringing at the little details in the taste, but instead Ian kept moaning as if he hadn't eaten anything better in his life. I sipped some of my red wine and licked my lips to consume the maximum of taste.

When we finished our lunch, I started washing the plates, but a familiar pair of hands wrapped around my waist, momentarily breaking my concentration. "Leave them for tomorrow. I haven't seen you since last month. I need to remember how that little body of yours worked."

With a shiver, I wiped my hands and turned around, instantly hooked my fingers behind Ian's neck. He smirked, and his hands easily gripped my thighs, picking me up. My legs wrapped around his waist for support and my mouth attached his, our teeth clicking at the fierceness. Ian let out a growl as our tongues fighted for dominance and made his way to the bedroom. Once in, he dropped me on the bed and removed his shirt, with a cheeky grin.

"If I say I didn't miss that, I would be the biggest liar." I breathed, taking my shirt off as well. And that was the beginning of a rather wild night.

"Ugh, no more." I moaned after Ian dropped his body next to mine for the sixth time. It was already really late considering we took breaks in between and what surprised me was that Ian didn't seem tired at all. I rolled over on my side and rest my head on my hand, while my free one stroked his sweaty hair. "When do you have the job interview?" I asked quietly, enjoying my gorgeous boyfriend's glistening body.

"The day after tomorrow. If everything goes well I'll get hired. Through the Skype call the headmaster said he liked me but he wants to meet me in person before he decides." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. His eyes were already closed and finally his breathing had evened out; a sign that told me he was half asleep.

"I am so glad we came." I sighed and rest my head on his solid chest, feeling it rise and fall slowly. "Goodnight Ian. Our exciting life just begun." I mumbled, right before my own eyes fell shut for the night.


It's really crappy I know U.U

Also I hope there aren't any grammatical or vocabulary errors, but if yes, please point them out to me (along with your opinion on the chapter of course). I have been writing this on my phone.

I am really sorry if I disappointed you guys.

Anyway here is the one ending with Ariel and Ian. Obviously they both moved to England with Ian having applied a job at a high school and Ariel going to an English college, while working as a tattoo artist.

Ryan and Ariel's ending will be uploaded next.

I am sorry in advance if I disappoint you guys for a second time :c

I hope you'll still love me after these two crappy endings >//<

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