Chapter 27 - Epilogue!

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*Ariel Collins*

Months passed by like a blur and before I knew it graduation had come. My school days were quiet, my work days the same while Ryan and I had gotten closer but not enough to actually date. It was a touchy subject for me and Ryan learned to accept it. We held hands and kissed, slept together but not actually having sex bur I didn't know what I wanted. Ian avoided being in a room alone with me, not even in the teacher's room. I don't know what he was expecting; that I'd start spewing our relationship's details in front of the teachers because he got engaged? Yes, he was engaged, he was wearing a stupid ring on his finger.

I also came to realize that he had a lot of complexes when it came to his appearance and character. I'll be honest though, it pleased me to the very core of my soul, seeing him cringe everytime he caught me glare or sneer at him.

Other than that my life was pretty much plain. School went incredibly good that I was confident enough to believe that I'd be able to go study abroad to England. Work was going good as well, I was earning enough money to keep living with Ollie and Ollie was happy enough to ask William move in with us. For some reason these two had such a huge chemistry that I thought sooner or later he was going to pop the question or something along these lines. My mother's pregnancy was going well, Paul asked for my permission once to marry her, which I more than gladly gave it, concidering she was now happy and healthy.

Curling into a fetal position on my bed, Heaven followed my motions, while pressing himself against me, warming me up. But unfortunately today it was so hot, that it was the last thing I wanted. So I pushed myself off the comfortable sheets and raced to the bathroom before any of my two roomates could get into it. For some odd reason when they washed they took up so much time and worst is they also took all the warm water. I stripped off my pajamas and jumped in, relishing the feel of warm water on my skin. I tried to scrub and scrub to remove all the dried sweat from my turning and rolling all night long.

It didn't take long for Ollie and William to start banging the door, making complaints something along the lines, 'I want to pee!', 'Get out we need to shower!'. But since I had the chance I was going to torment them as long as possible.

"Sorry guys, I am in the middle of my shower!" I snarkily yelled and slowed my pace on shampooing my hair, shaving my legs and scrubbing my body. But I knew I had to get out soon. And as I need, I wrapped a towel around my body and one around my head, unlocking the door, making the couple stumble inside. Before they could start cursing and shouting, I darted towards my room and locked the door behind me to change into something nice since tonight was the graduation ceremony.

Hopping over my half ready suitcase, I opened my wardrobe in search for some summer clothes, though most of them were packed. Over these past months Ollie, William, Ryan and I decided to go on vacation over to Australia after graduation was over. It would be a nice change since we wouldn't have to spend so much money since Ryan's parents lived there who offered to let us stay in for an entire month. Something I didn't really agree into but whatever, I didn't want them to think that I didn't like them or something. Ryan had told me that they really wanted to meet me so I had to be careful in not doing anything rash and stupid.

After I found something decend, which was a pair of white shorts that reached the middle of my thighs and a tank top, I unlocked the door, dragging Heaven's small little bag to the living room, along with my suitcase that joined the two ones Ollie and William had packed. Gently I picked Heaven up, nudging him into his travel kennel, since he would be spending my time away with my mother. She didn't particularly like him, since they had new furniture and a baby in the way but when I begged her that I couldn't take him with me because I was going to a foreign house, Paul jumped in and saved the day.

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