Chapter 20

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*Ariel Collins*

Groaning loudly I rolled over colliding with a warm wall. As I opened my eyes I came face to face with a built chest that was going up and down slowly. A smile found it's way on my lips as I remembered what happened last night. I was with my mother, then had dinner with Ian's family and after that he and I went at a party, getting stoned.

"Urgh, my head." I groaned once again and sat up slowly, peeling the arms from my waist. As I looked around, clothes were sprawled all over the room and I noticed that this room wasn't Ian's. It was mine.

Pulling a hoodie over my head, I used my fingers to untangle the huge knots in my hair as I stumbled over to the kitchen. I took my time in making two cups of warm coffee, before I went back to Ian to wake him up. He must have felt the bed dip because he rolled over and hugged me by my waist.

"Good morning." I whispered and pushed my fingers inside his smooth hair. A faint smile appeared on his lips but he didn't wake up. Scrunching my nose, I nudged him slightly making him let out a moan that echoed through the room.

"Hi." He grumbled and opened one eye hoping to see my face but it fell on my naked thigh.

"Well that's a nice way to start my day." I smiled, as he sat up the sheet falling down to his legs, revealing his smooth chest, that made my mouth drool.

"I made some coffee. Come on." I said standing up and pulled his hand in failed attempts to make him get out of the bed. Instead he gave one firm pull making fall on the bed and then he picked me up, making me straddle his hips. The bulge underneath me was extremely noticeable due to the fact that we were both naked underneath and the only thing that seperated us was a thin sheet. Ian slowly placed a hand under my hoodie, resting it on my lower back, while the other held the nape of my neck, pulling me close for a kiss.

"Hi." He said again, grinning. Rolling my eyes, I stood up and did an extra sway of my hips in hopes that Ian would follow me soon. I plopped down on the comfortable couch, opened the tv and held the coffee in my freezing hands.

When I heard a door click I looked up to see Ollie instead of Ian with a shirt hanging over her thighs and a pair of boxers while her hair was messy and sticking to different directions.

"Had fun last night?" She sent me a dirty look making me snicker slightly.

"You made a coffee for me? So cute!" She beamed and skipped over to the warm cup of coffee that rested on the table in front of me. Slapping her hand I grumbled, "That's for Ian. There's none left for you."

Ollie glared at me and stumbled over to the kitchen to help herself. That's when Ian came out of the hallway as well, wearing his clothes. His broad shoulders made my mouth drool and his bed hair was more than just sexy.

He plopped down beside me and grabbed the cup taking a sip. "Morning." He huskily said sparing a glance at Ollie's moving figure.

"How was your night?" He asked her easily, draping an arm over my shoulders. I made myself comfortable with leaning against him and muting the tv waiting for her to sit down and tell us. When she did there was a lazy smile sprawled on her face. Was she daydreaming or something?

"So?" I prodded her to start talking already.

"Well four and a half years ago I had met this guy William on a live. He was performing of course being a vocalist and all.." She started and I snorted in response. Vocalist of course, she had a thing for them. "Shut up," she spared me a glare and kept going, "We never really talked, we just glanced at each other every time we happened to cross our paths on a live or a party. Then I suddenly lost him; Never saw him at parties or lives, I didn't know where he went, but this faint feeling of want stayed with me. So yesterday his parents came to our home with him of course and I don't know. There was this spark.. He actually invited me to one of his live tonight and I want to go, just not alone." She stared at me with her puppy eyes.

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