You Accidentally Text Liz

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Your new iPhone 6 Plus had just arrived. It was currently syncing to iTunes and getting all of your information back on it. Once finished, you began to sign into all social media and play around. While you were creeping on a few fans on Twitter, your phone vibrated with a text from your boyfriend, Luke. 

How's the new tablet...I mean phone? ;-) lolz

You rolled your eyes at how dorky your boyfriend was. You could picture him as he laughed at his own attempt at a joke. You decided you would have some fun and give him a cheeky response. Because you were so deep in creeping, you were afraid to exit the app just in case it took you back to the top. You quickly pulled down on the message, opening the quick reply box. You smirked as you typed out your message, already laughing at how hard he would blush.

It's pretty nice to finally have something large to hold in my hand ;)

You locked the phone before setting it down so that you could attempt to get some studying accomplished. Your efforts were quickly interrupted by your phone blaring "Wherever You Are." Luke set that as his special ringtone because he said he always thinks of you when he performs or hears that song. Whenever he reminded you of this, you would roll your eyes and pretend that he was a nuisance. In all reality, you would listen to that song whenever you missed him when he was gone on tour.

You picked up and greeted him with a, "Hey, babe."

"So, uh, did you even read my message?"

You were highly confused since you knew you had hit send. "Yeah? Did you not get my response?"

"No, I did..."

"Okay? Why are you being so weird, Lucas?"

"I'm just confused as to why you said that to my mother."

Your stomach dropped, and you could almost feel the color drain from your face. "I didn't. I said it to you." You were absolutely positive that Luke's name had popped up across the top of the screen. He must have been mistaken.

"That was a group message. My mom has been bugging me about your new phone, so when I told her it was supposed to come in today, she made me ask. I didn't want to read her a thousand messages, so I just thought it would be easier to have us all in a group message."

"Oh my god...your mom read that?!"

"Technically, yes."

"What do you mean, 'technically?'" Your heart was now pounding; you couldn't believe Liz had read that message. You would never be able to face her again.

"I don't know. You know I'm awkward. I just wanted to make you feel better."

"Oh my god, I'll never get over this. I can never talk to her."

"Well, that's even more awkward than me because she's staring at me right now asking for the phone."

"No, no, no. Luke, do not give her the phone. I cannot talk to her ever. I especially can't talk to her right now!"

Despite your distress, you heard rustling over the line that let you know he was passing his phone off to Liz. You swallowed the lump in your throat, preparing for Liz's lecture and punishment. You were worried that she would forbid you from seeing him for some time. You only had short windows of time you could see him because of tour, and you didn't want to waste it because of a stupid comment.


You cut her off before she could say anything but your name. "Liz, I am so sorry. I didn't know it was a group message; I was just kidding! With the update on the phone, you can pull down a message but not go into the app and respond, and apparently, it doesn't tell you whether it's a group message or not, and I am so sorry. Please don't make me stay away from Luke. I don't get much time with him anyways, and I don't want to miss out on time with him because of a stupid comment.  I'm beyond embarrassed and-" 

It was Liz's turn to cut you off. "Honey, stop!" After you were silent for a few seconds, she seemed content and continued. You were actually thankful that she cut off your word vomit; you were running out of oxygen. "I'm not angry."

This caught you by surprise. "You're not?"

You heard laughing over the line as she responded, "Not at all. It was quite funny, actually."


Liz laughed again. "If anything, I want you to see him even more. I think he needs someone to kick his ass every once in a while."

You could hear Luke's protests in the background. You laughed at how indignant he sounded. "Uh, thank you so much. I'll remember that next time I'm over."

"How about we make that tonight? We can have dinner and watch a movie and you can show me that new phone of yours. I'll try not to think of it in comparison to my son's penis."

"You're never going to let me forget this one, are you?"

Liz laughed loudly. "Definitely not. I'll see you soon, hun."

You could hear more rustling and assumed Luke was taking the phone back. You waited a few seconds before his voice came on the line. "You're lucky she loves you so much."

"Trust me, I know."

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