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Random picture of Ash and Luke on a bed in case you're having a bad day :-)

Luke: Luke walked through the door after being let in by your mum. After a day in the studio, he was ready to fall over. He tugged off his beanie, letting it fall in the middle of the room.

He climbed onto the couch, collapsing on top of you. His head rested on your chest with his hand slipping under your shirt to rest on your bare stomach. "What's wrong, Lukey?" He only let you get away with calling him that when he was too distracted or tired to care.

"I'm just really tired, and the guys didn't like any of my ideas today, and my mum keeps asking if I'm ever going to clean my room, and I just don't want to do this anymore."

He got like this a lot lately. Whenever things got overwhelming, he would regret the life he had chosen and say he wanted to be normal and go to school. "Don't say that. I know it's hard, but it was just one bad day."

"I just hate it. I have no time for sleep. I barely ever have time to eat! I'm not even supposed to be here right now."

"Why not?"

"The guys are still writing. I had to get out of there and see you. I needed a hug."

Instead of answering, you just wrapped one arm around his back and ran your fingers through his hair. After a few minutes, he fell asleep, and you listened to his peaceful breaths as you watched him relax.

Calum: Calum wasn't one for public displays of affection. He liked to keep the intimate things private. You usually found this endearing, but it was annoying since you hadn't seen him in months.

Today was the first time you had seen him in person since he left for tour four months ago. Instead of sitting inside like you had been since he left, you decided it was time to get out and you went for a walk. Calum walked beside you, going on about how the air smells different in Australia; "fresher" was the word he liked to use.

"This is just beautiful." Your breath was taken away by the gorgeous landscape in front of you. You two had stopped on a bridge that crossed over a pond.

You had been hoping he'd respond with a romantic answer, but instead he just said, "Yeah." You sighed a little too loudly, and he gave you a questioning look. "Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." You hoped he would drop it, but it wasn't likely with how stubborn he could be.

"I know you. That wasn't a nothing sigh. That was an 'I'm upset' sigh."

"I just really missed you these past few months, and you haven't even kissed me yet or been remotely romantic. I know that's selfish, but I just really missed you."

"You know I would've, but we've been around people all day."

"It's fine. Forget I said anything."

Surprising you, Calum stood behind you and pulled your body against his chest. His hands rested lightly on your hips. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I missed you too, so much. I promise, as soon as we're home, you won't be able to keep me off of you."

You giggled as he pressed a kiss to your hair. "I'll hold you to that one, Hood."

Michael: Michael wasn't big on cuddling, but when he was in a cuddling mood, he wouldn't stop until you agreed, no matter where you were or who you were with.

Today, you and the boys were hanging out at Michael's house to watch a movie. As the opening credits began to play, Michael whispered, "Y/N, I wanna cuddle."

"The guys are here."

"So? Come on. I wanna spoon."

"You are ridiculous."

"Pleeeeease?" He stuck out his bottom lip and gave you his best puppy dog eyes.

"Nope." You tried not to look at him, hoping that would make him give up.

"If you won't cuddle me, then I'll just cuddle with Luke."

"Like hell you will!" Luke's eyes were wide. "Just cuddle with the guy so he'll shut up and so I can enjoy this movie."

"Okay, Mr. Grumpy Pants." Luke stuck his tongue out at you before returning his attention to the movie.

Michael layed down against the back of the couch so he could pull you into his chest. His hand rested on your hip as his fingers gently traced random shapes there. As badly as you wanted to act mad at him, the gentle caress was soothing you.

You could hear the smugness in his voice as he said, "Don't even pretend you're not happy about this."

"I hate you."

"I love you too, baby girl."

Ashton: Ashton had too much energy to ever just lay down and cuddle. He always had to be moving, usually drumming on tables and chairs. Today, he kept jumping on the bed while you tried to relax.

"Ashton, give it a rest please! You're going to make me fall off."

"But babe, I'm so hyper! Plus, the sky is awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!"

This was the hundredth time he had quoted Frozen since he took you to see it last year. "No shit the sky is awake. It's three in the afternoon."

"Exactly. Prime time for activities."

You groaned loudly. "I just wanna cuddle." You put on a pouty face, hoping to convince him.

"Sorry, no can do. Too much energy. I'd probably end up drumming on your back."

"That's what you did last time." You could still feel the ghost of his assault on your back.

"You know how I get."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. That won't stop me from beating you up though."

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try."

"With pleasure."

You sat up before launching yourself on top of him. He was caught off guard and fell backwards onto the bed. You hovered over him and mocked him. After a few seconds, he flipped you over as you yelped.

"Good try. It's just not good enough though."

"We'll see about that." You began to kick and roll around, trying to knock him off. After a few minutes, he layed down with half of his body on top of yours and his head on your chest. You quickly wrapped your arms around his back and scratched, knowing that was his weakness.

He stopped fighting it and gave in, mumbling, "You're lucky you're so comfortable." You just laughed and placed a kiss on the top of his head. He began to tap his fingers on the sheets. You rolled your eyes but held him tighter anyways.

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