Just Saying by 5 Seconds of Summer

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You got a boyfriend
And he's a total loser
All your friends tell you that he's got no future
But they like me
Just saying

"Okay, Luke. I get it!" Luke told you every day just how much he didn't like your boyfriend. "You don't like him! It's a really good thing you don't have to date him then, huh?"

Luke's laugh sounded foreign; the anger in his voice was prominent. "Well, excuse the hell out of me for caring about what happens to you!"

"I'm a big girl. I can handle myself."

"You're the only person I know who would get so angry about someone caring about them."

"You just don't get it, Luke. I know you think that he's a complete loser who treats me badly, but you don't get to see him when we're alone. He just doesn't know how to show affection in front of people." You knew that Luke wouldn't accept that excuse, but you had hoped he'd let it go for now.

"Y/N, I don't care how he is when you're alone. I understand that some people don't like PDA, but there's a difference between being unaffectionate and cruel."

"He's the farthest thing from cruel."

"Last weekend, he literally told you that your jeans were obviously too tight because they cut off the oxygen supply to your brain."

"He's just making a joke about how skinny my pants are. You should understand; we basically wear the same ones."

Despite himself, Luke smiled. He quickly turned it into a frown before saying, "He wasn't just 'making a joke.' He was calling you dumb, and that's just not okay with me."

"Again, you don't have to date him. Just let me make my own mistakes."

"See, that logic would work if I didn't have to hear about all the douchebag things he says to you, but I am your best friend. Part of my job is to listen to your problems and considering that he makes up 99.9% of them, I'm allowed to let you know when you deserve better."

"Luke, please just give it a rest."

"Okay, fine. Just remember that I'm not the only one who thinks this! All of your friends agree with me."

"If I kept in mind my friends' standards, where would I find anyone good enough?"

"I mean, they like me." You gave Luke an exasperated look, hoping that he'd stop. "I'm just saying."

You rolled your eyes and punched his arm lightly. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know."

He barely takes you out
When he does he's late
And when the check comes he always makes you pay
I'd never do that
Just saying

It was a Friday night, and you were waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up. He promised that he wouldn't be late this time, but it wasn't looking good. As you checked out the window for the twelfth time in the last minute, you heard a voice behind you say, "Late again I see."

You rolled your eyes before turning around to face your brother's best friend Calum. "He had some stuff to do today. He'll be here soon."

"Weird. He's always busy on the days he's supposed to pick you up."

"Yeah, well, he's a busy person. I don't mind."

"I bet he doesn't pay for the date either."

"You don't even know him." You didn't want to admit that you had payed a few times.

"Yup, he definitely makes you pay. What a loser."

You scoffed at his audacity. "Listen, I get that you're my brother's best friend, but that doesn't mean that you can critique my relationship."

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